
Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Results coming out soon (:

My back still hurts >.<... oh dear... i hope nothing is wrong. Sitting out on any physical excercise for now :S

My voice is getting thrashy-er O.O

Sat in on Guitar Ensemble training... learning how to read tao gae!! Utterly bad at it.

Trying to learn a few more songs on guitar. Not proficient in it at all >.< sounds like crap

Hope things get better

what we could have been, 7:53 PM.
Monday, January 14, 2008



Was fun. Like... duper fun. Canoeing girls are relentless.

Saturday 12th Jan:

Was supposedly to be really busy. Ended up just playing pool with wee siang and eugene lim. Was fun.

Sunday 13th Jan:

Co-taught with Marie today. Oh dear... the sec 1 class has a hell lot more "troubled" kids than i could imagine. This is going to be energy-sapping.

Went to play bball with jh,chang,rotan,avril,yl and ade. Rained alot. The rather "intimidating" people that wanted to play with us were surprisingly friendly ^^ woot for kind gangsters! Back hurt alot though. Swings were fun, other than the water splashing part. Caused Avril to fall into a drain >.<>.<

Monday 14th Jan:

Initially had no lectures. Supposed to have "nua-ed" the day away till 4.30 for softball training. Ended up going to Physics lecture. WOOT I CAN UNDERSTAND. Hanged around with class. Went to Student Lounge after that to watch wu hong and lim and North play pool. Played a game. Class peeps came afterwards. Twister was sick >.< and immensely torturous. Went to canteen at like 3+... Rained! Watched the akido team. Initially headed to a classroom for softball theory. Rain stopped so went to the field. Injured my back somemore and started to hurt REALLY bad. Came back after to field and bat. Had a few awesome hits while batting. The sweet spot is now officially jasonified into the wootihititfar spot. Sometimes will be mis-called the G Spot. G for Good.

what we could have been, 8:34 PM.
Tuesday, January 8, 2008


Lectored for youth mass. Haha, did a pretty satisfactory job imo. Jolene was a little fast though :X. Martin forced me to organise the passion play and some parts of the camp >.< oh dear....


Reshuffled into classes and new OG today. I've got rather fun OGLs... Paran, Val (Valerie), Dell, Marcus ( the blur 1 ) and Leung Yan. Feeling a lil outcast... only cat high in the class + there are only 2 other guys. And everyone in there practically has their own cliques already. Haiz...


Was better than yesterday. I can now match all the names with the faces. Maybe just pronounciation errors. Easy to remember names include : Emily, Pearlyn, Rachael, Christine, Jocelyn, Ellene, Derniese, Weiwen, Si lin, Shirley, Zhi Fang, Mayumi and the guys: Kah Lok and Chia Hong

Station games today! Woot. Was fun. Didnt get wet much.

Learnt second mass dance ( or rather the first ). Cant stop the beat from Hairspray the movie. Weiwen was my dance partner this time.

Abit hooked on listening to A Public Affair by jessie simpson

what we could have been, 9:44 PM.
Monday, January 7, 2008

The soothing breeze cuts the malicious sun
painting a calm, tranquil canvas
that is but empty as a blank
though holds more future than abstract

trying to spin a pen

what we could have been, 9:02 PM.
Sunday, January 6, 2008


First day of school. Reported to National Junior College at 0700 with alex. Dad gave both of us a lift. My first hand experience at the infamous traffic jam of bukit timah road and it was very much, disturbing. The jam not only just spanned the highway, but it had been concurrently occuring with a jam in eng neo road, which is the road my dad took since it would put us in the road of NJC and not of the opp HCI. Anywho, loitered around the canteen while waiting for eugene, since I'm not too familar with the other cat high peeps around yet. The "assembly" started at like 7.45, with a very grandiose ceremony of the staff, especially the "tua pai" people waltzing in and taking seats in front.

Starting address by the principal was quite boring and a little... daunting. Well eitherways, with that gone, it was the start of my dreadful back-to-back talks and briefings. The orientation package costed 30bucks... and included a NJC brand shoebag, NJC brand towels, 2 orientation shirts ( which are nice :3 ), a hardcover ring file with a NJC orientation brand foolscap pad in, NJC brand hole puncher, NJC orientation brand pen, school handbook, collar pin ( which
is cool imo ). Yeap... wouldnt say it was really THAT worth the money but... no choice i guess. The talks were really... really boring, lukily i was in a rather good OG, with a really outgoing and fun OGl ( weiwen ) which like... dragged us out to chat haha... too bad theres a reshuffling of og on monday. Well, thats about it for that day


Every thursday, NJCians start school at 8.30am. However, for me, this will not make much difference because the jam that occured that day spanned from Thomson road, to marymount road, and ALL THE WAY TO SCHOOL. Anywho, more talks today... however the cca talk and pe talk by that errrr mr madden haha... HOD for pe was interesting and fun... SO MUCH BETTER THAN KEE YONG :X

Anywho, it was boring other than the mass dance. Which was fun *nods*. Mass dances are fun :3 however just abit long and hard to remember ( steps ) My mass dance's song is till the dawn, from the step up soundtrack. The other 1 is cant stop the beat from hairspray. Oh, and the theme for my orientation is Step Up.


Went by bukit timah road this time... Still jam, but not as bad. Early morning had a stomachache
... but i decided to erm... ren untill the talks started so i can skip abit of them haha.... tahan during
the morning assembly damn pain XD... Yin chun didnt see patrick's sms, then he came in the 
orientation shirt when supposed to be in school uniform for the assembly haha... 

The counselling talk was pretty funny... cus i kept going on about how i needed counselling :X
which after the talk, i really think i need. I feel so bad >.<

NJ's school song ( the malay 1 ) is really hard... i only know like the first line and the last 2 words which are "Inilah mahktab beengan kita" and "rakyat singapura" haha... and most of the rest also only know these lines. So at the start quite loud and the ending very loud *nods* interesting XD.

After all that, it was the CCA carnival! Went around to lots of cca's booths to try out etc. Played 
abit of squash, went to the hockey booth and tried also ( where all my NCC seniors are also >.< ) 
then waltz to the softball there and played :X was better at throwing and catching than the guy
that was supposedly showing me how to play >.> haha. After that walked around... went to visit
the guitar ensemble booth, heard the harmonica people play... Basically just walked around. 
I am deciding to join softball and the genshiken club ( jap club ) Haha... hope not too stress

Skipped OG outing :X cus too tired haha and nobody go =(


Not much today. Was pissed in the morning. Watched avp2 in the afternoon. Quite a bad show. 
Just remember, See, there's no monster! 

what we could have been, 2:53 PM.


Saint Andrew's Junior College

Pearlyn chang
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