
Monday, December 31, 2007

Haha, sorry about my birthday blog post >.> but it was really that boring. I slept most of it so i got nothing to blog about.

Anywho, this post is about the documentary i just watched on arts central entitled "Bowling for Columbine". The title has a little pun which i'll explain now haha. If you do not know, the columbine massacre is an affair ( in the United States ) which is about a shooting outbreak in Columbine Highschool. 2 male students stormed into the library and randomly shot students. If memory serves me right, a total of 13 ( or so ) students were shot to death and a teacher was killed. Many others, were injured. The 2 gunmen then committed suicide. A total of around 900 rounds of bullets were shot in the incident.

The pun is that, these 2 gunmen were bowling right before the shooting. And due to the fact that even after investigation, no "reason" for the murders could be found, it was, ironically attributed, in the film, to the bowling.

Okay, key points that struck me in the film.

1) In light of students taking up the gun and pointing it at fellow students, the issue was largely blamed on controversial music artistes, namely Marilyn Manson because of the rather, saddistic content which he sang through his music. I disgress. In fact, in the statement given by Marilyn Manson in his interview with the filmmaker ( dunno the name ) of "Bowling for Columbine", He has actually earned my respect as a fellow human being who has proven to have a higher intellect than your average american. In his statement, he doesn't take to heart that much of the population had attributed the shootings to him but rather, he feels empathy of their blindness to the actual situation. It has struck me, especially to note, that the putting of blame on Manson was probably a diversion used by the media and government as facts show that, there was more bombing / destruction done by the US government after the Columbine massacre. The most touching line Manson said was when he was asked what he would have done, if he was put in front of the students of columbine right now and asked to say something.

To this, he replied. "I would not say anything to them. I would listen to them, because that is what no one has ever done yet."

2) - to be compounded on further next time -

what we could have been, 12:09 AM.
Sunday, December 30, 2007

My birthday was boring. Thanks for the gifts though.

what we could have been, 8:29 PM.
Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Haha. Not much happened today.

Went out with elphin to dhobby for lunch + arcade + "see guitar". Lunch was at swensens haha... we both ate fish and chips. Wah sian, the 7% gst really pinches at ur pocket.

We only arcade a very short while... 1 Outrun game and then we like left for daiso, where i treated elphin to a can of ramune.

After that, we headed towards elphin's house. My first time being there haha. His house not bad, looks like nicely furnished and cosy. Watched him play binders ( using cheats haha ), made all the zai zai things and just prawn everything. Taught him a few songs on guitar ( like larkin step and the infamous qing tian )

Pretty much headed home after that, got on 133 at like 6pm. Traffic jam XD... only reached AMK hub at like... 6.30... where i went to 7-11 to get a bottle of meiji milk :3. Milk ftw

Waited quite long for the 265. Came home to have dinner.

Sent jaslene a song, wasnt the one she wanted.

Played dota O.o.. rhasta is pretty fun haha.

Not exactly feeling very.. light spirited now.

what we could have been, 10:46 PM.
Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Well... Christmas... O.o... I'll make this 1 short and simple because im abit lazy lol

Well, the pageant was so-so, Issac forgot his cue line and had a little slip up there haha. Silence while waiting for chior to just carry on =X

The christmas mass was good... after that went to east coast park ( should have gone to em's party instead... sry andrew ) wanted to see sunrise but in the end, didnt manage to accomplish that. But still, it was worth it (:

Came home, bathed, slept for 2 hours... then went to cousin's ( mum side ) house just to visit and wish merry christmas for awhilexz.

Lunch was good. Chris had knocked himself out yesterday with alcohol and so he slept most of it... a shame :S... I had 2 bacardis, about 2 cups of mixes >.< ( bad idea )... which caused the lil stomach ache i have now :S... using tea to curb it. The log cake was gud =)

Accidentally fell asleep after that.

Elphin is still on his "unwanted" mode. I feel that whole thing is really bs =/

what we could have been, 7:54 PM.
Saturday, December 22, 2007

Rather ambiguous title... I know, but if I may take the liberty to add some poetic spice to this rather... disheartening happening, well... you can't stop me anyway :P

Okay... I'll cut to the chase, my guitar is totalled =( The internal wiring is erm... not wired properly and erm... its either hard/impossible to get it wired back XD. Itchy fingers >.< v="CpvYoY4juLc">
"In any case, it is one of the better-known songs in English-speaking countries, and it is often sung at the stroke of midnight on New Year's Day. Like many other frequently sung songs, the melody is better remembered than the words, which are often sung incorrectly, and seldom in full."

- Source: wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Auld_Lang_Syne)

And the verses ( after english translation ) are as such:

Should old acquaintance be forgot,
and never brought to mind ?
Should old acquaintance be forgot,
and auld lang syne ?

For auld lang syne, my dear,
for auld lang syne,
we'll take a cup o’ kindness yet,
for auld lang syne.

And surely you’ll buy your pint cup !
And surely I’ll buy mine !
And we'll take a cup o’ kindness yet,
for auld lang syne.

We two have run about the slopes,
and picked the daisies fine ;
But we’ve wandered many a weary foot,
since auld lang syne.

We two have paddled in the stream,
from morning sun till dine (dinner time) ;
But seas between us broad have roared
since auld lang syne.

And there’s a hand my trusty friend !
And give us a hand o’ thine !
And we’ll take a right good-will draught,
for auld lang syne.

Source: Wikipedia again =)

You can view the original lyrics at the site as well.

The lyrics are pretty self-explanatory and what it has sparked in me were mainly reminescence, nostalgia and... well really a convulsion of feelings.

In others, I actually had thought of a rather sophisticated discussion to put up here before my headache set in but because of this accursed pain, it has thus slipped my mind. Should it ever come back, I might post it up :S

add on:

Just thought that i should share something else that I was looking into today

And Just what is that something? Martin Luther King Jr.

Some of you might be unfamilar with him. Well, basically he was one of america's leaders ( after kennedy ) and he was the one that established racial coexistence/understanding in america. I wonder if thats a suitable word for it but... erm yea. Basically, even though the negros in america were in fact, already freed from slavery, they were still... ostracised and segregated, living in the outskirts. MLKjr was an activist in abolishing this, refusal of human rights to negros.

And just why am i blogging about this... person who doesnt seem to make much difference in our ( singaporean ) lives? Well, because i disgress. Firstly, apart from the cliche "we're a largely racial variated society" talk, I would like to say, it is not just about that. I admit i am racist anyway >.<

So, what has made me respect him? His intellect. I deeply respect him for that astounding logicist he is, and incredible style of speech.

You can find his "I have a dream" speech here:


So, on what grounds do I say that hes a fantastic speaker? Well, lemme just quote wikipedia some of his famous quotes ( that rolled off the tongue pretty well :S )

Men often hate each other because they fear each other; they fear each other because they don't know each other; they don't know each other because they can not communicate; they can not communicate because they are separated.

I particularly liked this one quite alot haha.

The ultimate weakness of violence is that it is a descending spiral, begetting the very thing it seeks to destroy. Instead of diminishing evil, it multiplies it. Through violence you may murder the liar, but you cannot murder the lie, nor establish the truth. Through violence you may murder the hater, but you do not murder hate. In fact, violence merely increases hate. So it goes. Returning violence for violence multiplies violence, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that. Hate multiplies hate, violence multiplies violence, and toughness multiplies toughness in a descending spiral of destruction.... The chain reaction of evil — hate begetting hate, wars producing more wars — must be broken, or we shall be plunged into the dark abyss of annihilation.

On some positions, Cowardice asks the question, "Is it safe?" Expediency asks the question, "Is it politic?" And Vanity comes along and asks the question, "Is it popular?" But Conscience asks the question "Is it right?" And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular, but he must do it because Conscience tells him it is right.

Well, just a few of his quotes. There are alot more to be found http://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Martin_Luther_King%2C_Jr. where i got the quotes.

what we could have been, 7:34 PM.
Friday, December 21, 2007

Haha, I went to NJC this morning ( at around 9 am ) for the subject combination briefing haha. Getting there was pretty easy I guess, I mean... with a bus that comes at the frequency of once per 5 minutes, it really feels awesome. Especially when throughout secondary school life, the buses you wait for comes once every 10+ minutes only. Lol... though I am still plagued by the terrible 265. Eitherways, 74 wins. Haha, even though the route it takes to NJ is really long... but it skips alot of stops, mainly because they are really remote places, like the cemetary, where one boards/alights, so it just zooms past.

Almost missed the stop, stopped when i saw the awesomely huge HCI haha. Damn, sian, stupid fat lim never answer the phone =.= Yeah, i ended up going alone >.<>.< And the subject combi I plan to take was "not advised" by the... erm, speaker, whoever he was. Said that it spread over the arts and science too much. Not sure if i can handle but hey.. won't harm to try.

Well, heading back home was a chore. The side gate ( where i entered ) from was locked. And the bus stop I take home is right out the gate. Wanted to climb at first but that inner conscience in me said to behave :S... Ah well, next time, screw that inner thingy.

Had to walk ALL the way back, CLIMB the super long flight of stairs, WALK somemore behind before getting to the main gate which by the way, is REALLY remote. And the walk from this gate, to the nearest bus stop ( really, not just bus stops i can take ) is like O.O. Because you have to trek the remaining distance of NJC, then you get to raffles girls primary school, WHICH IS ALSO HUGE, trek around the whole entire school, walk out into the main road, walk alot down, before you reach the bus stop. Took a whole 20 minutes ( walking at normal pace ) to get there from the gate. Note, from the gate.

Yea, so that was my excursion to NJC.

I dont have much... erm... deep thoughts to write about haha so i guess thats it. My day was really, mostly about just that. *nods*

what we could have been, 11:34 PM.

Well, after much wrecking of brain cells, trying to remember what i had initially wanted to blog about, i finally got it! Yes! ( and the loss of the topic has to attributed to a certain somebody *glares* )

Okay... so... "changing points in our life"... sounds pretty simple imho, but i think i'll be expanding this a little... deeper lol.

So, what exactly are these "changing points?". I guess changing points are a little too vague, i would suppose... maturity points is a more suitable word but because of the nature of the topic im going to touch on, i'll stick to changing.

These points are basically points in our life / encounters which, well, changed us in a way. In my sense, makes us matured.

There is but a fine line between what defines adolescence and adulthood. Precocious children would have surpassed this fine line in their early years of adolescence while childish, unintellectual adults might never ever even glimpse that line. So then, how does a teen get past that line?

Well, I wouldnt say that ALL teens would come past the point in time where they actually get past that, and i wouldnt take the liberty as to conclude that i have done so as well. Though what defines someone that has "matured", apart from naturally, mental maturity and of course, resillience. But apart from that, they are people who would stick close to their morals, know distinctively what they want, and are extremely clear cut about Life. I guess, they are the people closest to enlightenment. People who deserve respect =) *nods*

So then... what are maturity points? I guess, they are encounters that really give u one tight smack in ur head, pull you into reality and harshly show you the truth of the world. Haha. Or really encounters and trials that put your very existence and character to the test *nods*

I wouldnt dare say I've gone past one just yet, but maybe... just maybe, because of an incident recently, I find that i've matured quite alot =). I am thinking deeper now, and Im expanding my thoughts alot now recently. Not all my thoughts are on this blog but... some are on my phone i guess lol. I cant really blog about this incident since its rather... erm sensitive, but yea, I guess because of it, I've changed, probably not that drastically, but I've changed.

Further blogging, well, talked to nicholas yeo ( neighbour ) on msn again. Been some time haha. Discussed a few fun topics and such, hes still online lol, about to watch emily rose XD. In my attic now at the moment by the way so that parents + sis dont catch me XD. Just got lonlier with more people logging off msn, relating to less people to chat to, which
explains me blogging right now as well :P Been unable to sleep early lately XD insomnia kicking in again because of lack of milk in the fridge haha.

Well, I've been reading stuff on wikipedia just now. Was reading about sleep ( because nick brought it up ), learnt that the sleeping disorder I've been suffering was night terror ( something like heightened nightmares, except your just scared but there isint anything that is scaring you, well, could be possibly because usually you forget what your scared of but the emotion sticks, as said by wikipedia ) and sleep paralysis ( something like a pressing feeling against your chest whicih prevents you from... erm.. moving, and it hurts ). Yea... well it is interesting to know that all these were attributed to demon possesions in the past haha. Also learnt about microsleep ( momentarily falling into sleep for a few seconds ) and slow-wave sleep ( having half the brain in rest mode ), which i guess are really useful skills i need to pick up for school :P. Also read a little on hypnosis hahas.

Other than this... hmmm oh "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bUY8iT525yQ&feature=related", is a nice singaporean singer's original song - Larkin Step. Been listening repeatedly the day before and yesterday. Took some time to figure out how to play ( by ear ) on the guitar yesterday morning, because her guitar is abit out of tune but its a great song and i finally got it =). It is addictive.

Also, I am addicted to "Dance Inside" by The All American Rejects now >.<

Oh... and a line that i got from D-Gray Man while watching it :S lol Well, sort of adapted but... here goes anyway
The world i live in is not made by land or sea, it is formed by the people I have encountered

Not much thoughts on this, its as it is lol. Well, I have thoughts but im a little lazy to type them out anyway haha.

I guess thats all I have for now O.o

Line in my head at the moment :

What makes the one to shake you down?
Each touch belongs to each new sound
Say now you want to shake me too
Move down to me, slip into you

Haha guess where its from XD

what we could have been, 1:23 AM.
Sunday, December 16, 2007

Yea, as you'd have noticably seen, its been revamped. So Enjoy and feed my tagbox :S

I Actually Dunno what to post :S so ima go take something off my phone's notes and post it here

Here Goes:

And suddenly, all that I have so intimately been familiar with have become totally foreign and incomprehensible to me. Just as if I have degenerated to the mentality of an infant once again, and to don on the clothes of one, crawling towards an entirely enigmatic path


since it looked awesomely short, I am going to try extending this post. Well first off, lets put a sig to make it look more attractive!

Title : Life In Portrait ( In case you cant read the text ). Credits to deviantart for stock

And following, the song on youtube that I've been listening to repeatedly back to back for the past few moments ( i think im on count 15 at this time )


Lillix - Sweet Temptation

Why I Like This Song:  Catchy tune, pretty deep lyrics and 3 hot babes =) guess which of the 4 i dont like >.>

Why the lyrics? From my interpretation, I find that its telling us to break free of the limitations and go with the flow, which is sorta what i really want to achieve as well. Haha, yeap.

Nothing deep coming so I'll leave it for another day

what we could have been, 6:43 PM.


Saint Andrew's Junior College

Pearlyn chang
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