
Sunday, August 12, 2007

sorry for the emo title :P but its my current inspiration lols. Yes... im back to the saddish genre

Anyway, to start out, this is my newest sig, which corresponds to this entry's title

Would say i did quite a good job on this one. Kinda inspirational and the theme fits the stock. Credits for stock image goes to deviantart ( the artist who made it anyway ) I did not photograph it, i edited it ( quite abit ), changed the colours, added abit of my own elements etc. hahas.

Done in : 20+ minutes

Well then... as to explain why i am so sad today... its because of yet another drama. By the way, i finished Nobuta wo produce too and now im a fan of Erika Toda ( the girl who acted in Death Note as well ) and Maki Horikita ( the one who acted as Ashiya in the recent Hana Kimi jap remake as well ). Both are bishoujos so go check them out :P

Alright... the show which caused my sadness today. Its entitled Crying Out Love, In The Center of the World in crunchy roll ( which if you searched you'll find it. ) Dubbed in english to be 
"Socrates in love". By the way, Socrates is aristotle's grand-teacher. He taught Pola who then
taught aristotle hahas. Eitherways, the focus is not on Socrates.

Alright... what is this show all about?

Sekai no Chuushin de, Ai wo Sakebu or Crying Out Love, In The Center of the World, as synopsised by crunchyroll viewers :

"I thought I might be using a lifetime's happiness in a moment. I was that happy and she was that beautiful." A young boy stands on the red earth of Australia under its blue sky. It is 17-year-old Sakutaro Matsumoto. His time with the girl comes back to him. The colored sand runs through his hands and a tear appears on his cheek. He wakes up. It's 2004 and he is 34 years old and in Japan. He thinks "I have been in a world without her for 17 years." Returning home to see his old high school for the last time before it is demolished, Saku confronts anew the loss of the love of his life, Aki, to leukemia 17 years ago. Now a medical researcher at graduate school, he has been living as if half of him died with her since then. Based on the bestselling novel that sold over 3 million copies, the past and present come together in this love story that is both pure and sad.

Hahas... though it isint appealing when i read that. To be honest, i wanted to give this drama a skip and now im glad i actually watched the first episode. ( though a little regretful considering that now my tears are entirely drained ). Just a little note, unlike water boys, this drama DOES not bring you on a emotional rollercoaster ( or maybe it does make you feel glad when you see the romancy part at the start ). Yea, just a piece of advise, have tissues beside you or you are going to find your shirt pretty wet. I am serious. This show tugs at your heart like nothing else in this world. After viewing this show ( well 4 eps of it ) i already thought that "this is so sad... i kinda want to have a relationship like that but then again, i dont want to" kind of feelings. It is that sad. I cried at every ep. ( Maybe not that much in ep 2 but certainly alot in ep 3 and 4 )

For thoes who really want to peak into the world of pure love, watch it. I am sure you are going to love it. Okay... thats all for today's post hahas. *notice how i never talked much about my day thus far? Goes to show what i have been doing today =X*

what we could have been, 8:47 PM.
Friday, August 10, 2007

been some time since i last blogged again hahas. Been busy watching drama :P

Yeah... i pretty much finished umm... 3 series and 1 movie ( all jap ) in the past week ( started last saturday, ended the 3rd series ytd, started the 4th today )

So then... what have i been watching?

First up was the water boys movie. Absolutely kick ass ( and what sparked the later watchings ) hahas... I watched it before ( though REALLY long before ) and i did not sit through some parts ( or maybe i just forgot ). Anyway, water boys is a film that makes u laugh and cry. Yeah.. kinda simple hahas. Its superbly comedic in nature and very moving till the very last second. Of course, the whole show isint entirely on the "boy's synchro" portion but it has elements of love, friendship and life decisions packed within as well. Certainly worth the watch ( i feel like buying it though i have the feeling my sister already bought it in the past )

Overall, i give it a 9 / 10 ( for some not-so-pretty/attractive actors and actresses within )

Next up is the water boys 1 serial. Just like the movie, its absolutely kick ass and it has teen mesmeriser yamada takayuki (sp?). Who pretty much is one of japan's highest salary earners. The lead female actress ( Miyaji Mao ) is... pretty plain at the starting but you start to see her good points mid way through the show and boy... thats when you start to feel she shines. In this serial, the same elements appear once again but this time, more intricate ( given more time to develop and all ) and certainly, it brings you through a rollercoaster of emotions. With that many ups and downs, you are certainly to be moved at the last episode :P Superb plot planning. Did not quite like the ending cause they kinda left the love plot "hanging" abit and only "hinted" hahas... Really wished to see a conclusive ending. But really... i guess its water boys's speciality to have a not-so-conclusive ending. In any case, it was reeeeally good. The support actors were great as well ( loved the hydrophobic dude. So funny hahas )

Overall, its a 9.5/10

Next is water boys II. In here, it sets a rather new setting and again, absolutely kick ass. The actor who acted as Eikichi fitted just well with his (blur blur) look and the series in it self got me glued to it alot. Ishihara Satomi ( the lead female ) is SUPER chio and now im an advocate of her hahas. In this addition, it feels that they really went through searching for actors cause all of them were great in this film. The ending was more conclusive and really left that bitter-sweet feeling which is superb. More key elements seen in the other 2 and it had its own touch to it. The lead support ( the 1 who acted as yowasuke ) was fantastic as well.

overall a 9.8/10

Last up is H2 - Kimi wa ita hibi. This is rather different being a baseball drama hahas. Watched it since it had Ishihara Satomi ( Haruka Koga in here ), Yamada Takayuki ( Hiro Kunimi here ) and the dude who acted as yowasuke in WB2 ( Noda here ) Superb acting and i wonder if it was intentional but they had references to WB in this series in that there was a scene where we see 3 boys in swim-gear doing synchro like dance moves :P

Overall a 9.8/10 as well.

Yea... hands getting tired. Think i'll leave this post as this :P

what we could have been, 7:37 PM.
Thursday, August 2, 2007

Hahas... title was on a whim. Really.

Naw.. actually it is THE key phrase for today. ( something like sesame street's letter of the day? ) lols. Basically the teachers are pressing us to focus. But ah... focus and jason just doesnt mix @.@... gota practice on that skill ><. Lol... i lose focus too easily. Like... now <.<

Nothing big really happened today except for the after-school english oral prac with e.heng. Oh boy... that was so screwed up ( pardon choice of phrase here. I know there is a better phrase out there but i just feel this suits it the best :P ). During the reading... midway he was like "STOP! You are losing momentum! You just dropped from a 12 to a 11. See thats your weakness. DO AGAIN"

And following after were 5 more turns. In which my "marks" dropped from 11 to 10, to 8 back to 9, then to 8 again and finally back to 11. Hellish. By the end of it. I lost all the focus i previously had for picture discussion ( my forte =3 ) and my mouth was so dry it was just screaming in pain ><. Competing with bobby yong when he's screaming orders for the NDP thingy is something you should NEVER try. lols. The old man still has voice in him.

Anyway.... i breezed through ( lousily if i may add ) the other 2 sections and left soon after. ( not without being servant-boy to eheng for 1 last go )

Took 13 with lim and saw rotan and chang walking out of gate hahas.

Back home... decided to do chemistry ( though i left quite a few blanks <.< ) and then afterwards studied history before watching an ep of OverDrive ( kikass anime )

Just had dinner. Sushi ^^ hahas lovely.

what we could have been, 8:19 PM.


Saint Andrew's Junior College

Pearlyn chang
January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 May 2009 July 2009 August 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009
designed by lil.queens
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