
Tuesday, July 31, 2007

@.@ sick today... haiz... even though i sleep so early again @.@

Yeah... so the whole day was spent moping around being sick XD.... couldnt even concentrate
from the first morning period with e.heng's Oral pract stuffs.

Used about erm.... 4 packets of tissues + half a packet from start of day to when i left the school gate. And just finished a box of tissue at home ^^'.... nose feels like its going to drop hahas.

Just now attempted to do the relative velocity ws leong gave us to do like 2 days ago... and like... i feel like i still dno how to do relative velocity... haix... so cham hahas and havnt do a.maths 2004 and 2003 tys hahas.... + havnt do e.maths 2006 and 2005 ><.... haiz.... feel like breaking down. Only site of rest is in anime T.T... allen walker ftw :P

Yeah... not much energy to post anymore so you'll find that today's post is a lil short... in fact
very short... Like ending now kind of short ^^' hahas...in fact im just trying to extend it a few
lines >.> to make my entry appear sophisticated. <.<

But anyway... since i've not been doing much of such stuff... ima try crapping up a poem about
how it feels like to be sick now. While i am still sick XD.

4 walls around me;
4 limbs abound me.
4 aches in my body;
over, throughout, all within me.

A breeze - a sneeze,
a sneeze - a breeze.

I wonder how long it'll take,
I wonder how much i can take.
I wonder if it can just take a break,
I wonder if it will make me break.

Sitting here.
Lying there.
Standing up -
Oh what a chore.

Will i get well?
I wouldn't know.
Maybe i should see a doctor
All for just this little cold.

The cold

what we could have been, 7:05 PM.
Monday, July 30, 2007

yea the title kinda puts it in 2 words for me XD....

Well... i kinda slept at like 9+pm the night before ( YEAH freaking dam early @.@ )... and when i woke up.... i was still sleepy... crazy man. Sec 4 life is mad XD... I have never worked even 1/10 of what i have worked in my entire life as compared to this year alone hahas.

Okay... er jie took a ride to the mrt ( she going camp hohos... got room to myself again ^^ ) then go school. Almost late hahas... enter the classroom at 6.59! whoots :P.... then found out eheng was earlier and had written the instructions on the whiteboard liao ( bummer... ) lols

Today's essay topic was on Pets / Dogs... Kinda intriguing topic i would say. Honestly, i would have written a narrative ( like i always have ) on prolly dogs and 
craft some story in which some char will always die and there will be some sort of moral 
behind his death that sorta thing hahas... However... i decided to do what i would do
for my english tuition and wrote a expository on Pets. Hahas... was a kinda hard topic
i would say... Didn't write much ( reason mostly being the distractions ). There was just
this SUPER irritating NDP music playing over the PA system. Even had some RmB version
of your traditional songs. There was even a rap for Chan Mali Chan which just threw the
class into complete laughter hahas.

Okay... so that was just the morning. Lessons were hellishly boring so i won't want to
recount them hahas... But seriously, even before mid-day. I was already feeling
drained. Just felt like sleeping but had to sorta wake myself up constantly.....
Completly couldn't keep 100% attention during lit lesson and that was kinda a shame. ><

AFTER WHICH.... just when i thought can go home and take a rest b4 starting work again....

Got the chem mock paper practice. Haiz... so sian lo.

Go there take the chem test ( which was really easy ) then like... go through ( for dunno wad )
then go home. By the time reach home was like... 5pm hahas. Mad hell man. Lucky today no
tuition if not i think i collapse le.

So then i started work already ( yeah... crazy man )... went to complete my history essay hahas.

Played a game of pangya after-wards ( miss alot of chip-ins and almost tore my neck off ) hahas

Yeah... thats about it for today hahas... Maybe i'll post the 7-page essay i made awhile back.

what we could have been, 7:36 PM.
Saturday, July 28, 2007

Ok Alright. Havn't blogged in a really.... well... really long time XD... why? Dunno @.@ decided to blog again since its closing in on O lvls and i think i wanna sort of... record? this last stretch of my secondary life XD.... lots of things happening lately anyways haha and there are alot of people pestering me / reminding me that i havnt been updating this blog of mine :P

Well... for starters, my parents just came back from their 2 weeks ( well more than 2 weeks ) trip to UK and its sorta been "cultural shock"? for me. Seems like they changed a bit :P and i need getting to used to living with my parents again... ( man... i was feeling so comfortable alone :P )

Downloaded gunbound a few... moments? ago and played a game or 2 just for kicks... Seems like im getting really bad at it XD.... nothing much to play these days.... Oh yea, sister intro-ed me to watch Hana Kimi ( well not really intro-ed ) and its the japanese version ( the taiwanese version was ugh... )... 
I would say, its pretty good :D...  at least theres more vivid acting ( that both incorporates
realism and humour at the right moments ) and the plot organisation etc. is much better.
Besides, such shows have to be set in the japanese context for it to be nice :P.. It just aint that
appealing when you set such a plot within the more "chinese" context.
And singapore just wont cut it either hahas.

Watched claymore ep 17 also. And it was so kickass ><>

Thought this was a fantastic piece hahas... Inspired by "The Rain Horse", a lit text that we were
analysing in lit class hahas. This sorta fits the persona i guess. ( Stock image not mine )

So thats about it? For this post anyway. hahas. Maybe i might blog abit more :P

what we could have been, 7:27 PM.


Saint Andrew's Junior College

Pearlyn chang
January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 May 2009 July 2009 August 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009
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