
Wednesday, March 14, 2007

  Hahas... sorry for being "dead" for some time again... lols...

  Aniwaes, nothing really big happened these few days anyway hohos... ytd went for chinese then like... 10 me and jh pon XD... neh go for the oral thingy... lols... then like... went to toa payoh, found chang ( to follow me go buy guitar ) lol... then wait for nicky and yeah... we walk alot see alot lah... but like very expensive... then end up go this shop bought their set for 225 bucks lols... 1 SUPER small amp ( that i found out later that doesnt work >< muz get replacement =/ ) , the guitar and basically everything u need XD... lols...

  Yeah... but like, i put at nick's house... cus scared dad scold :P

  Then today morning i went collect hohos lol.

  The guitar everything okay bah... learning Tesla's Love song ( the intro only lols, dont like the body etc. )

  Tomorrow going for chinese =/ li jie wen da lols... then now deciding whether to get replacement or just buy another amp XD... haiz... and i also wan buy a new bag =/

  some new sigs :



what we could have been, 7:15 PM.
Sunday, March 11, 2007

  Yeah... too lazy to write a title :P

  Anyways... watched "Just Follow Law" with family ytd night and i gota say, Jack Neo is really one of a kind in this buisness hahas.... seriously, don't really think there is any other producer that is half-good as him when it comes to criticising the government ( other than mrbrown of course ) hahas...

  So Yeah... if you have time and money in your hand... go catch it o.O... worth the watch... or if ur a cheapo then wait like... a year or so.. definitely will have a TV screening like "I not Stupid" lols.

  Today church had some parents meeting etc.. lols.. boring... then all the funky brain-washing thingies >.>.. ok shouldnt be that bad but really... if u "ask" children to go for all these events and they dont want to... whats the friggen point? My parents are really very assertive sometimes and it gets on my nerves blehsx.... only the young gullible me could have stood it. Lol.. even ytd... like... when i didnt wanna eat chicken rice... and SAID so... my mum was like.. "I buy chicken rice for you ah"... and chicken rice was like... more expensive than what i wanted "carrot cake" =.=.. geebus.

  Then the pop-corn and drinks too... ok the popcorn not so much... but i didnt want ice lemon tea and my mom ASSUMED i wanted that. in fact... my parents ASSUMED i wanted popcorn and drinks in the first place.. bleh.

  Grandma too... very assertive... like... i said i dun like coconut... and she like... almost wanted to force me to drink it.. like if i didnt i would die or something... O.O... sure some people make the excuse "They do it for your own good" but sometimes i think parents abuse this..... i don't see how not drinking coconut juice will kill you.

  Today also... i like.. already know i allergic and stuff and they STILL want to bring me to chinese doctor so i w/e lah... they want spend money let them... =.=... cant really be bothered anymore... so yeah... but chinese doctor close so went to see Western 1... ( and its not like we have a shortage of western clinics at our house that we have to go ALL the way to tampines just to see the doctor there like theres much difference.. ) so yeah, the doctor said i was ALLERGIC and stuff... the SAME thing EVERY single doctor told me before.

  Great way to spend money dont cha think?

  Bleh... ok i've finally decide i am going to buy my elec guitar on tuesday... going to follow tk to buy his bag on monday hahas... didnt tell my parents about the guitar though and im pretty much ready to get a scolding too :P... and to add on, my dad is just like.. near me right now <.<... ALSO i just remembered... they booked some hotel on saturday or smth... IN singapore. And they expect me to go as well.. AFTER they book it... like... dont i have a say at all?   Okay... done dissing about the parents all almighty and stuff... really cant wait to graduate from Junior College and like.. go overseas or something.. wouldnt care about being bonded or anything... just GO OVERSEAS and get the hell outa here hahas.... i might even stay in a hostel during JC.....  i can give up my so called "big" room for a crampier apartment anytime.   Watched pursuit of happyness today ( yeah happyness with the y and not the i ) hahas... not bad i'd say... really touching and all keke... should give it a watch as well ( i dled it though >.> )

  Yeah.... so i might update my story as well and... just to update my gfx-es

Enjoy =)

what we could have been, 8:00 PM.
Friday, March 9, 2007

  WHOOO!... yeah! time sure flies by quickly... it seemed just like yesterday i sat for the english paper :P... and today... im finally over and done with the bio =)

  Okay.. maths was as expected, shitty... prolly going to fail but... ah... who cares... sec 4 topics... didnt really listen to mei hua so its expected :P

  Bio was great :D

  Just finished watching Beck ep 26 ( final ) and whoooo... i gota tell ya... its 1 heck-uv-a anime... really... even though i did watch ep 1 in the past and got bored by 10mins... and stopped... its truly great... i kinda started with ep 2 this time... and straight rows all the way to ep 26 through this prelim period... think it was really beck that got me going :P

cool aint it? KAKOIII! :P... btw, thats some wallie ( originally from minitokyo but prolly some guy ripped it ... took it off a diff web, smaller in size lol )

So yeah... if u'd ask me to give it a rating... i'd say... priceless :P

oh... and a poem i thought during exam O.O

Here i stand - chest straight, arms by my side
confident with a smile across my face

I plotted, day and night
without refrain
i plotted, sun or rain
without dismay

And today!
I finally am going to see my efforts
pay off their rightful debt
to their rightful master

Here i stand, alone in this room
squatting and squealing in joy
"any moment now" i thought

I picked up my weapon
fully loaded, fully charged
ready for battle, i was.

And then he finally came
A man, dressed entirely in a uniform of green
wandering... wandering
and finally ending up here

"Hey! The toilet's in a mess, clean it up" he said.
Ah... its so nice to feel needed.

- Jason
"To be Needed"


what we could have been, 6:04 PM.
Tuesday, March 6, 2007

  Hahas... sorry for being inactive past few days again :P... yeah really busy with prelims ( yeah right :P ) but... most of the time because i've used my relaxation time watching anime and hence, neglected my blog a lil :P

  Okay... Chinese paper was not too bad :P... the bao zhang bao dao went on smoothly... but i'll prolly minus like 4 for writing wrong word or something XD... its normal... in fact its not normal if i dont minus :P

  But wah sia la... the paper was back to back sia... right after the compo is the paper section le... siao sia... damn tired after compo then do paper le.... they are mad ppl ><... but i did a clever tatic! I skipped the mcq li jie wen da... ( if not i confirm sleep sia.... ) and went on to do a li jie wen da ( written ) 1 first keke.... overall i felt the paper okay leh... even though alot inference ( thanks tuition teacher! whatever ur name is ) lols... so yeah.. not bad... not bad.

  Then like... i went to library with rotan ( after eating with him and gt ).... wah sia man... 12noon the ontop study table NO SPACE wtf? lol... abit wrong lah ><... so we had to use the cafeteria table... studied SS keke.... then JH and chang join! :D but the stupid thing hor... sit at the cafeteria table there muz buy something 1.... so me and jh bought an ice coffee each ( wa lao... like 2.60 for 1 cup ).... then chang tried to drink then drink liao... "BITTER BITTER BITTER" lol..... coffee of course must bitter lah =.= lols...

  went home cus like... singnet guy supposed to come at 4pm set up the internet but neh come.. so i very wu jing da chai. lols... but in the end still come and WHOOT 10mbps connection ;) i know ur jealous :P

  Okay... the night was spent studying SS with victor loh lols... like we did last year hahas... then the healthcare... i came up with the abbrevation : " FVSLUCPSFV" its kinda... offensive so i wouldnt write it out XD... :P but yeah... we spent untill like... 10.30 then my dad ask me stop and go sleep... but couldnt sleep lah... so like... kept walking around and at ard 1? + liddat on comp see tk etc. etc..... continue dling gridion gang :D ( abusing my internet =3 )

  Wah sia man.. today go school then found out population tested... so like... when going say morning prayer that time... the few 10 minutes i spend crashing the population essay into my head. lols... and heng for me, it came out hahas... would've prefered they come out education then healthcare... cfm full marks :P

  Lit was horrible... terrigible.... hahas.... i attempted wrong question sia.. firstly 1 (c), the text 1... was harder than 1(a) lol... didnt do 1a cus i not confident in my quoting abilities... aiya.. dont wanna talk about it...

  Then after that we all go library again hohos... ( this time i slack cus maths.. haiz :P ) then chang friend come stalk him... lol she very de... aiya dont wanna say :P


what we could have been, 7:26 PM.
Friday, March 2, 2007

  Whoo... yeah... todae eng paper just over hahas... not bad i'd say.. was quite easy hahas... i wrote a pretty sad story ( as usual ) again :P... mebe ima refine it sometime and post it up hahas... dunno why... i love writing sad stories... sigh :P

  Just finished a game of dota with jh, gt, jonny and the yi ling ger i prank call the other time >.>... hohos... we finally beat the unbeatable! WAKAKAKKA but it was like 5 v 5 lols... think 1 v 5 is like... super hard ><

  oso nothing much today bah... after the paper had history ( dam sian >< almost sleep sia )... then continued with chemistry... and i think sc hates me or smth man... i go in okay, nothing... then i sit down share tys ( cus like some time ago lost mine ) then she scold me liao... and the fuked up thing was that i wasnt the only 1 who lost my tys... SIAN... im like super hated now hahas...


what we could have been, 9:11 PM.
Thursday, March 1, 2007

  Lol... just finished my rum and raisin ice-cream =3... enjoying its aftereffects XD... my favourite ( second to green tea / manga sorbet ) :P

  Thought of the day for today: "Online gaming was thought to be fiction in the past" lols... i know it sounds stupid... but imagine a virtual system online like "The World" from .hack series :O... i wouldnt imagine it to be in THAT distant a future considering how wiki already incoroperates virtual gaming lol.

  Anyway, today is Day 2 of E-Learning lols... and before ima go check on the debrief for today on the sharepoint web, ima blog abits hahas.

  Prolly another short post but... w/e lols. Tomorrow marks the start of Prelim 1!! First wake up call that i'll prolly remain slumber for :P

  Honestly, i havnt been preparing O.O lols.

  Anyway, e-learning was boring :P... just basically did chem and english today hahas. what did u expect from a slacker like me anyway :P... but i kinda liked it :P very slack hohos.  Today was mainly spent on watching anime again lols... well, going back to school tomorrow and another complaint about today was that it kept raining! blehx... wanted to go to library and study with rotan but grandma dun let me go out in the rain ( cus im sick ^^' )... hope im better by tml hohos... if not eng paper die =/ >.<

  And something to end off with =3

  o(' 'o) (o' 'o) (o' ')o

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what we could have been, 7:20 PM.


Saint Andrew's Junior College

Pearlyn chang
January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 May 2009 July 2009 August 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009
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