
Wednesday, February 28, 2007

  :O ta-da! lols... update XD

  Im too lazy to try to rmbr what happened the past few days when i was too lazy to blog so ima skip on that one :P

  Anyway, today was the first day of E-Learning and to be honest, i think i wasted the whole of today and am starting to panic for Prelims which start on Friday :P... sigh what to do... hahas

  Started with a game of dota ( which is really bad ) then like... by the time start work cant really recall much because of the dota game :P haiz.

  Found out that AO is still alive though so that rox :P been dling animes from it hahas...

  Also dled Tokyo Maijin Gakuen Kenpuchou from anikei lol ( 2-4, watched 1 in the past ) hahas kickass anime... about demon slaying... really dark themes but cute characters :P... Misato Aoi ftw! Sakurai is not bad but.... ahh :P... Hiyuu is so cool :P

  Also been watching .hack//Roots ( dled from AO ) hahas... kickass anime as well... shows the story behind Haseo, Shino and Ovan before the .hack//G.U. PS2 game i've been playing ( only vol.1 has come out in english... would buy the jap version of vol 2 but singapore doesnt have it >< )

  Yeah... so thats basically it for today... tomorrow will be a pain because theres like... a ton of english homework lol hahas.... 1 compo and 2 compres XD... and to top it off, i have not done my cedar girls paper O.O


  Hahas, a new sig i made some time back... kinda cool dont u think? but the ppl i showed it too said it was too bland T.T... anyways... it seems im deproving :P so i gota practice somemore! HAI YA!


what we could have been, 7:59 PM.
Friday, February 23, 2007

  Yeah! cross country todae morning lols... woke up usual at like 6 then got prepared.... serz came over at 6.20? liddat hahas... cus he taking lift from my dad.... then we zoom zoom go to turf city... blardy hells man... traffic was like )(*&^%$#... and that was early too O.O... like reach 7am lor

  Yeah... was in my edward shirt.... so i waited for jh to come to lend me his phillippe 1 hahas... defecting over :P.... cus sian of edward hahas. Then we were like... sitting down talking and suddenly the people were like... "hey lets cheer" and i was like "oh competitors start running le ah?" and they all were like.. they run come back liao. wtf. lols...

  Then was de mass run hahas... wah piang.. i so weak le.... run abit quite tired... then jh and jonny and rotan split from us... and chang split waaaay behind.. so like onli me and gt jogging together in the middle somewhere there... then we decided to wait abits for chang... but couldnt see him... so jog... then we were like... run and walk, run and walk... then last bit there... some joseph teacher zzzz run untill infront of us... sians hahas and still bastard bastard ask us faster =.=.. wtp man.

  Then like.... last few bits there, i chiong lah, cus the guy say wad last 500m... wtp, tio jack.... but run quite shuang hahas... then "drift" on a pile of rocks because infront of me steven block my way. Then last part wa sia.... stomach dam pain... so walk abits... untill ke yong was like... 1 MINUTE LEFT!.... so i chiong again... and whooo me and gt were the last to get in :P hahas.... like we cross the line le then peeppepeppepepe.. lols.... so i was the 181st runner and gt was 180th.

  then after that alot of boring things lah.... all the prize etc. etc..... phillippe in the end got 2nd, lost to noel by 30 points because of mass run... blardy hell they so many ppl lors.

  After x-country, followed gt and gang they all + elphin to king albert park for mac lunch hahas... then i crack a joke about the drive through, say we act like we driving car then we go there hahas.... quite retarded >.>...

  Ate fillet-o-fish =3.

  Then we went to gt house ( me, chang, jh and jonny onli though... elphin and rotan went back to school for bio lols.. i going tml =3 )

  Wah gt house so remote... really feel sad for him man... everyday got to go through all that just to go home... no wonder he always chiong for his track... haiz.

  They played hitman lah... and i studied abits of bio with gt... b4 going to them... but acherly.... today quite sian lah... not much done at gt house... i should've gone home blehx.... then can study abits and play dota lols. On the way back got motion sickness somemore... then like keep wanting to vomit but nothing to vomit sia...

  Just now just played dota with jh and gt hahas.... used pugna... not bads :P

  Anyway, also saw this youtube video on mrbrown lols... about preparing children for the future.... a thought came to me when it showed "by 2043, a $1000 computer would have greater computing capacities than the human race" or smth along that line anyway... was like... wow... so we're going to get overtaken by computers? lols... but 1 thing we have to rmbr would be that... no matter how "smart" a computer is, it does not have emotional capacities like we do and we don't even know the true potential of the human brain anyway... like, if we can create something greater than us... i dunno wad to say except that we're really insane.


what we could have been, 10:12 PM.
Thursday, February 22, 2007

  Hahas... as you've noticed... havn't been blogging much lately... *sigh* lols. but anyways... while i have time :P

  The gambling at ze koh's house was so-so... lols... of course, uncle andrew cracked alot of silly jokes and even sang thing time ><... gosh... and his favourite quote for that day was... sometimes life is a sad story lol... well, it is anyways hahas.

  Watched A series of unfortunate events on HBO cable tv there though ( damn i want cable 
television T.T ) hahas... kinda "cliche" story plot in a sense.. though it did have a twist but in the end it was the usual good win evil theme thingy.

  The actress ( the 1 who acted as violet ) was chio though :P so yeah, its a good show hahas.

  Hmm... as for yesterday.... it was kinda busy... went to church in the evening though hahas... met JG there and bernie was the lector for first reading lols.... and right after 2nd reading, suddenly the speakers went bonkus hahas... anyway, thats that... ytd wasnt much =/... and was really tired which was y i skipped blogging XD

  Today started off pretty well mainly because today was the half day day hahas... and we were originally supposed to be let off at 9.40 and i had bio lessons after that, which meant dismissal at 10.30 or so. Skipped carpe diem in the morning to go get prayer boys too hahas... FINALLY zomg.... but all is not over T.T

  Shagged maths test hahas... was easy but didnt know how to differentiate ln hahas.. forgot T.T

  Anyway... after that we had our icecream "surprise" which didnt come to us untill we did the stupid cheer thingy... and by then it was smth like 10 already. Went back to class after losing track of e.heng to wait for saras BUT... pang came in and well... sucked. Really... 10 minutes of her talking ( not lesson ) is hell.

  I wonder how her family puts up with her ><

  Just came back from playing dota with lim, junny, phin, jonny and gt lols... pwned :D... but i kinda noob XD... made gt die once hohos... i like some jynx >.>... whoever come near me will suddenly just die 1 >< hahas.

  And thats that.


what we could have been, 5:29 PM.
Tuesday, February 20, 2007

  Wai! Yesterday earned alot of $$ at se koh's house XD woots :P would've taken some pics posted here but.. didnt bring my fone... today go ze koh's house i'll bring bah hahas.

  Hahas.. ytd uncle andrew ( the 1 who talked about the choices thingy ) talk alot of cock again XD... with me and ah ben hahas... cause we were playing cards sitting next to each other mah.. talk about that in a bits.

  Neways, acherly go there play cards le, among ourselves for abits.. while waiting for the others to come mah... play like 1 round... then come to mummy turn to be banker i started losing le.. so stopped playing hahas..... dinner was... okay bah... onli liked the curry ( which my maid cooked anyway hahas + is the... A1 powder curry thingy... lols... which i can make oso >.> )

  After dinner was play cards lo!!!

  So, back to the part about uncle andrew... we were first like.. investing in the ppl who were winning lah... i invested in jasmine... cus like she sit next to pameline like always win 1... so invest 1 dollar on her... win quite abit... not so bad... like 4 dollars.

  Then play myself le WAHAHA. lol... huat le XD... came in a lil late cus got hooked onto watching hot chicks on tv >.>... but money more impt XD.... ya... i won 23 dollars from 2 dollars i borrowed ( and returned ) :P... but as i was saying..... when uncle andrew is drunk, alot of cock comes out of his mouth. Like... he was saying ( during the investing period ) "When the wheel aint drunk, don't fix it" was like... woah... XD... but is he say 1 untill dam farnie so yeah.

  Then like... he predict which round will win which round will lose 1... dam zun XD... so i like just follow him, when going to lose 1 i bet 50c onli... when going to win bet like 2 dollars XD.... then huat ah... double A XD.

  SO ya la... alot of cock... cannot really express it... today not much happened... played WC... usual stuffs etc. etc. lol... thats all keke... btw like the new skin?


what we could have been, 5:12 PM.
Monday, February 19, 2007

  Phew! Been really busy these few days >< ( which explains the lack of posting :P )

  Well... On the eve, basically we had the reunion dinner hahas... as usual...steamboat + bbq =3 keke =3... delicious keke

  Cousins came over and christopher looked geeky with the buzz cut and army specs hahas... army boi oooooo... ben had suuuuper long hair because he got admitted into the divers division or smth so he doesnt go in till like... another month later. He's working as a stockbroker atm O.O lol....

  So... yeah, lots of hongbao *wahahahaha* and then we had the gambling XD... earned $22 woots... from just 2 dollars XD.... going to earn somemore tonite! WAKAKAKKAKAKAKA

  On CNY day itself, went to tampinese holy trinity church with grandparents for morning mass... the priest kinda louya pok liao... last time dam good 1 now got the priest say chinese say lousier than me O.O... like christ the king that 1 hahas... blehs.

  After that, came home, had breakfast then went to play a lil ^^'.... before going off to yishun side for awhile... ( around 11+ liddat )... stayed there till like 12.30 lols... then came back from lunch... and so zun sia... come back onli all the cousins all lai le XD.. nicholas got funny cut... then all the funky cousins came O.O... oso dunno wad their name 1 hahas... but neh mind.. got hong bao can le wahahahahaha.

  Ben is perverted.

  lol... after that is basically abits of slacking... before the tiresome visiting thing for mother's side.... haix... dam sian 1.... oso not so friendly with these ppl x)... if given the choice i'd rather go out with friends then with em o.O

  Okay... after all of that, it was smth like 7.30? or so, when we left the final house at balestier there... then came back, dinner and then i slacked around before turning in for the night ><... haix... dunno y sick sia... got a terrible cold, so i offed the aircon, wear jacket and put blanket over me when i sleep... then like... sometimes sweat ( which is good ) but sometimes still feel cold T.T... sian.

  As for today... went to prata shop ( now called some funny name forgot le XD ) for breakfast... keke... prata rox! =3... then came home, did homework XD sian. family went out to go see some lion dance thing at the club while i stayed at home to do homework and now im here bloggings wakakaka :P... okie, see u ;3


what we could have been, 1:19 PM.
Friday, February 16, 2007

  Wo... finally the end of the week ><... MAN... this week sure was hectic... which explains why i
have been slacking off and not blogging lol...

  Okay, a little recount for ytd, basically it was not so bad... day went out by quite well i think...
( cant really rmbr now hahas )... then stayed back after school to do the mass preparations for 
today's CNY mass hahas... kinda hectic since we were only informed of it on Wednesday and
were told to get it done by today morning ><.... blah hahas... i didnt do much :P but considering
that i did practically like 3/4 of the masses in sec 3 ><... i deserve a rest anyway hahas :P

  So that was yesterday anyway... hahas... today was pretty.. weird i guess... morning was the
mass... brought my guitar and m.teo played it for the mass.... 1 thing bad was there was
only 1 mic ( dunno where john went ) and so the singing was pretty weird and all keke.

  We had oranges from it and an hong bao which had $2 :D

  Chemistry was better than expected since it was pretty slack ( prolly due to chong having the
cny mood ) and good too since i didnt do my air worksheet ^^'.

  Maths ... we had the maths test which unfortunately, i wont get my full marks T.T blah... then
we went to eat cus it was the break, i went to pangsai after that, and we went to hall for the
celebration thingy. 

  After that, played with su de yao abit, stayed in class abit, and went to J8 with jh and eugene.
Jonny joined us after =3

  Ate kfc ( i know i shouldnt but.... ahhh... ) lols.

  On the way back, eugene dared me to play the guitar on the bus.... i was really willing to but
its kinda freaky and so i asked that he gimme 2 dollars for doing but in the end, it was down
to 20cents... but i still did it! wai! hahas... i think im going crazy from the stress ><

  Anyway, thats all for today! HAPPY CNY!  And i don't get to go out anymore T.T ppl busy T.T


what we could have been, 3:00 PM.
Wednesday, February 14, 2007

  Whoo!! I forgot to blog today XD.... so i think this 1 would be pretty rushed :P

  Well basically today was learning journey day hahas... we went to the discovery centre and for 
a great start, timothy used marcus' phone to take a picture of darren, causing him to go into a
fit and then to take the phone, delete the picture and then throw it onto the grass or something..
GREAT.... lol

  After which, basically was some fighter plane kinda show.... was pretty nice in hi-res and all but
lol.. i dunno... propaganda >< hahas.

  It was pretty mundane after that so, neh mind all that hahas. Lunch was at SAFTI and it was
pretty good i guess... except the fish which was so hard that i gave up trying

  Oh, and along the way, darren smashed some biscuits ( which we gotten from the centre )
and then poured it into dominic's bag... you know... hes really crazy. stupid emo freak.

  Went back, met up with jh, then went home, did SS, rested abits, played some games, dinner,
study, games and now blogging :D... hahas... phew, i did that pretty rushed... anyways, thats all 


what we could have been, 10:11 PM.
Monday, February 12, 2007

  Day started out bad.

  Everyone had the Monday blues.

  Got jacked by Saras.

  Prayer boys matter still not settled.

  Ultimate e.heng lecture on uninstalling games NOW.

  Addiction essay.

  Lots more work.

  Harrassed by bziel.

  More english work, essay on Fire.




what we could have been, 7:55 PM.
Sunday, February 11, 2007

  Today i like... slept =) lol. that summarises today in 4 words hahas.

  Well, woke up really early in the morning half awake, to be driven to church for mass hahas... 
then i was still half asleep at mass O.O.... then after mass went for breakfast *yum* wasnt asleep
then =3... though it was tempting hahas... had nasi lemak and pinched fried carrot cake from
mum XD =3... best in singapore one okay ( or to me anyway )

  Cat class was boring. 

  Okay... maybe not bah... meriee came into our class ( i forgotten her name since the camp ) lol
and like.. observed since she was studying to become a cathecist as well ( wrong class to come 
learn from :P )... then adeline was kinda noisy >.>... jascline denise and cam were also noisy 
( as usual ) and i was sleepy XD... nicholas was like... all musshy with his valentine's date thingy
O.O.... really freaks me out :P 

  back home... went to sleep.

  woke up, talked to jonny who had a trojan on his comp, helped him try to discover his problem
and then diagnose that he needs reformatting hahas so going to help him tml o.o

  then it was lunch time :D... chikin rice lols.

  back from lunch, back to talking to jonny hahas.... then talked to gt too =3... and later played
a game of dota with him... like... 2 of us vs 5 normal ais in wtf mode hahas... first game used
naga siren but becus wtf mode and no spells, restarted and then used lunar moonfang and owned hahas.

  Then slept >.>....

  Woke up, played another game of dota on my own but like... was too sleepy so i closed it in the end lol.

  Went to get a hair cut ><.... barber wasnt that great <.<... but w/e.... going to shave my head anyways in like 2-3 years time hahas.

  Then slept :P ( i sure sound like a pig today >< ).... thresa went home during this time hahas... ze kor fetched her O.O.. made a lil bit of noise and then i woke up.... and went back to sleep till dinner time hahas.

  Satay and saussage for dinner =3... and xiao yu're and hua wu que for entertainment XD... ( for first hour anyway 7-8 ).... then watched phua chu kang last ep <.<

  Okay.... now im blogging hahas.... really tired so im going to go sleep again.... while worrying about not finishing e.hengs homework ><... so im basically in deep shit tml >< ah well hahas


what we could have been, 9:18 PM.
Saturday, February 10, 2007

  Whoa man... internet is teh laggy today XD...

  Anyways... i woke up pretty disoriented in the morning hahas... like was wondering... where
was i and all that rubbish :P... don't wanna talk about it :P XD i actually bumped into my cupboard while going to the toilet to wash up hahas... and yes, of course it hurts ><   

  Today was supposed to be the oratoral competition day XD... but i guess because they submitted my entry too late, we couldnt get in XD... but ah well, all the better for me :P less work XD and i get a day to slack at home :D   

  Morning was pretty sleazy overall >< thats all i can say hahas... like... not really anything happening O.O... just the plain old boring walk here walk there keke   Talked to some old friend that i havnt in a LONG time though =)  

 Oh, and i made this on request of another friend XD.. though its quite a pity that the file was too big and couldnt be uploaded on the server as an ava hahas

  Pretty nice huh? looks like i havnt gotten all that rusty ><>< ) and yes i know there are a few visible white spots that look like they havnt been cut / erased well ><
but i still think its nice =)

this is de original that was given to me ( of course, without the re-size its about the size of half a desktop wallpaper ) and i like what i did to the ava i made, the
glowing effect and all =)  interested to find out how i did it?

  but never! wakakakaka :P

  Thats about it methink... having sushi for dinner tonite *yum* jealous? :P and if you got
something you want me to make nicer / like an ava, sig or wallie to make, feel free to catch me
while im online on msn and tell me the details there =)  And zhi yang, im not going to do your
blogskin till i finish my own 1 :P


what we could have been, 6:28 PM.
Friday, February 9, 2007

  :O you know what... today wasnt that bad afterall XD.

  Well it was kinda bad in the morning T.T.... like, dam bad pangsai cancer XD... 
pangsai for like...20 minutes lah... >< zomgs man... lol... then like all the energy sucked  away from me lol before i boarded my dad's car to go to school lol.        

   Then... in the car rite... I DUNNO WHERE THE PTM FORM IS!! O.O lol dammit. T.T         

  Alright... things settled down abit after that hahas... first period was chemistry :O...  i got 5/10 for my spa ><... but got A on my other 1 =3 kekekeke lol... chong today was in  a semi-good mood didnt scold anybody hahas... ( acherly, since johnny not in our class  anymore,  she neh scold that badly anymore :P you see this johnny? XD )         

  2nd period was great too :P... even though it was maths XD.... but lim mei wah neh come :D  so yeah.... "free period"... used it to do my bio spa ws hahas... then after that was like...  <.<... tk incident with yyh... dunno how it started but tk suddenly started wrestling yyh...  then elphin was taking the video and when phin was showing it to me and david ( who were sitting at the 
very back ), suddenly tk strangle yyh and phin went  to take again and den tk found out 
bout phintaking video, so kena whacked and then  dunno wad happened le XD...         

  PE was kinda sad >.>... managed to climb the wall abit but when i jumped to get to the
 rock above the protrusion, my leg went up but my shoe didnt XD.... and when i 
came down, it was time to end T.T... and that was the last of rock climbing PE hahas... 
though it is acherly kinda boring anyway :P

  Lit was crazy and slack as usual hahas... amanda yap returned back to semi- non pissed... and
didnt really scold that much ^^' we were told to do some work and that was it =3 hahas

  Free period! :D but it was spent doing homework T.T... then 2nd period was chong's lesson
again on the calculation thingy hahas.... i know how to do my molehs! :D

  After all that, me, gt and rotan went to canteen to eat lunch, only to find all the stupid
seniors there.. so i very hum ji ^^'... then we just went to library straight to do the hist
homework keke... but finished like quite fast ( cus 1 question left for me onli ^^' ) 
then i like just slack there till 3pm... in a dilema on whether or not to go for ncc... 
but in the end i went to see lah... only to see the senior all there... 
then i pek chek + got headache so i pon =3 keke... and went home

  On the way though, popped by the cd shop and guess what...

   I FINALLY GOT THE DAMMIT AYAKA "First Message" CD! whoots :P

  Like... after so dam long lor :O... like god sent hahas... isint she chio =3.... wakakakaka burn
mortals burn!!! burn in envy! :P

  =3... okay... after all the firey passion... kinda tired now, so peace out :P


what we could have been, 7:28 PM.
Thursday, February 8, 2007

  Blah ><... today was pretty bad ><   

  Okay... maths test... i didnt get full marks T.T and that practically ruined the day hahas. Yeah  T.T... now im still quite depressed over it but im not that depressed about it anymore ^^'

  Lessons were as boring as usual... nothing really happened except the fact that yap was pissed off in class for the first time in all my lit elec lessons ( since last year ) lol... she was like... just come in and started scolding the peeps who didnt bring their macbeth book lol. owie.   

  Other than that... it was really a normal bad day i guess.... stayed back afterschool to do hist ( though i didnt actually accomplish much ) with jh, chang and later daryl lol. Basically when u put jh and chang into a study group... you cant really study anymore ><... or maybe its just me <.<   

  Well... yeah, thats about it for today... and also i decided to quit dota XD... >.>

  Ah-ah.... i find it so boring nowadays ><... T.T


what we could have been, 9:27 PM.
Wednesday, February 7, 2007

  Another boring day has passed XD... 

  Most of it was pretty calm again today hahas... other than me forgetting to bring my tie to school
lukily for me, yang han lent me his so i got pass :D lol

  Lessons were... boring as thought to be :P...  didnt do much during free period either... only 
photocopied zhi yang's history stuff for filing hahas. Thats about it O.O hahas.

  Today's post will be... really short :P dunno y... just tired and dead beat now ><.... spent most of
today preparing for tml's maths test on 2nd period hahas... stayed back with chang, rotan, lim, tk, shi rui and lim's friend to do maths hahas.... so yeah... really beat now ><

  Hope i do well in tml's test =3 wish me luck hahas Pretty amazing too :P... this is the first post  that doesnt
have the little scrollbar thing by the side when im typing it :P. And no, even with this line it doesnt make it
appear :P


what we could have been, 8:48 PM.
Tuesday, February 6, 2007

  Hahas... tuesdays are always to be hated XD... boring... really boring ><   First period.... lim mei hua... ><... okay that actually wasnt so bad since we were doing 1999 tys  exam paper lol... so that can get full marks on the test... realised that i had really forgotten about like... 90%? of sec 3 work XD... die hahas.   Okay... after that was Pillay! :D... always fun... though was pretty beat from doing maths lol... then it was chem ><.... i didnt hand in my chem spa worksheet so i got scolded again i guess lol... but i know how to do mole! :D... zomg... felt so hyper after that cus i know how to do mole XD... like O.O hahas   Pure was after recess and boy... it was scary XD... thian has that... "watcher" look everytime... and basically we didnt hand in our homework :P.... most of the lesson after that was spent on doing the files ><... lol i practically didnt have about 3/4? i think more like 8/10 of the worksheets she was saying we should have XD... like... screwed ><   Chi sucked? lol.   English was spent to finish DSP so :D yay lols... anyway.. im too tired to think much now... but something funky happened today :D met fabian ( old neighbour ) on 268 XD... he turn untill veri pai kia now O.O hahas.... and alot of pimples <.<>.> lols... time sure went by quickly ><... i am sec 4 already O.O... and i knew them when i was P2 >


what we could have been, 5:29 PM.
Monday, February 5, 2007

  Phew! lol.... yeah... i sure am dedicated... a post a day O.O

  Okay... i just finished e.heng's speech AGAIN because he said my first 1 didnt have enough 
examples... so here i am now, i like... went to do RESEARCH on china O.O lol.... and it sucks... 
because i definitely have to go for preliminaries.... which means more work... which means more
unneccessary things ( okay mebe not unnceccessary but... something i need now is time lol )

  Well... today was so so? lol... class as usual... etc. etc... lol... favourite lesson today being History!
:D lol.. pimpo pillay! hahas... maths was boring... as usual <.<... u know.. the days just go by like this... without us even noticing XD....   Okay... had lunch with gt,  jh and chang after that... had ipoh hor fun and pineapple drink hahas..... man jh did some gross thing with my pineapple drink.... after i showed it to him once lol... basically they give u this satay stick to get the pineapple bits from the drink and i put it into my straw and blow it when i was finishing cus i was bored... then jh took it to poke the pineapple and it...and he was like sucking it back to retract it and blowing to shoot lol.... it was hillarious yet gross XD..   I went to the cd shop again today... with enough money to buy the album but guess what... the store owner said NO MORE STOCK!!!! ARGH... lol... that was like... totally blehx for me.   SO now im going to try again tomorrow ( wish me luck >< ) hahas... yeah i really want to buy that album ><.... songs are like... a major part of my escapade now XD

  English tuition was pretty boring... the vocab words were mainly thoes we already knew and the standard was really very different from catholic high.... cat high really is kinda good actually... good standards and all =)

  So thats about it hahas...

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what we could have been, 10:23 PM.
Sunday, February 4, 2007

  Ahh... today has been quite a slow paced one lol.

  Basically, morning was blocked out for church as usual lol... went to church, had breakfast ( yum )
then went to SPP for sunday class. Lol... funny thing was Adrian ( the cathecist ) didn't come till
like... 9.15 XD.... and lesson ends at 9.30 lol... so yeah... that was a good wastage of time <.<...
When he did come, all he did was share qian bian jokes among me, jerayl, adeline and jascline. 

  Okay... with that done... went to tanjong pagar central with mum and dad... they went shopping
crazy at ntuc for cny drinks... was like... who the hell drinks that many lol.... like... 9 x 24 packet
drinks ( amounts to 216 drinks ) lol.... 1 HUGE 7-11 42 pack carton, 2 F&N 24 can drinks assorted,
and 9 cans of beer ( these are what were bought for my family alone... my dad bought for my aunt
as well... ) and they bought like... 2 big plastic bags of mandarin oranges... like... are we going to
have a drought or something? lol... i dont remember singapore having droughts ever.. only floods.

  Okay... buying was easy... bringing it on the car and unloading is the challenging thing... i think
parents usually dont ever think of this when they splurge over cny stuff? lol... Basically, they
spent something like 500 or 600 dollars there... lol... wish they'd given me that instead.. i'll go
buy myself a creative zen lol.

  After all that.. basically just came home, slacked the whole day lol... did play a dota game with
GT and elphin ( separate ) lol...  and now im writing this as well as doing an essay for SS 

  So yeah... thats all i guess for today hahas... hope tml will be fun =3 ( and hopefully teachers
wont come after us for homework hahas )

  待ったね! じゃね。 

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what we could have been, 5:33 PM.
Saturday, February 3, 2007

  Okay, before my dad comes in and screws my ass again, i am going to blog ( such a bold and daring
blogger i am lol )

  Today, we had the cip thing, with the sec ones... if you'd want me to sum it up into a single word...
i'd say... tiring? lol.

  Yeah... it wasn't that great in the start for me i guess... okay, we did meet with a few kind people 
that really graciously let us into their apartment and get the newspapers ( which were quite heavy )

  SO, basically what spoiled the day was this old lady from an apartment in the 8th floor... like... we
rang the doorbell, which then we heard her opening and so when we opened, we see this 
dishrevelled lady standing by the door... when we asked for newspapers, we were only greeted by
a whole horde of insults... like.. "You students arh, so early wake people up. Totally no consideration.
... people want to sleep then u all ring and ring, very rude one u know!"

  Like lady... is there not a single seed of care in your heart at all... no sense of self sacrifice? If your sleep was really THAT precious to you, you could've just said to come back later and not scream... who cares about your newspapers anyway, we're collectors, not beggars... so get that point in your head... guh... really, women like these really piss me off... she's prolly single too, and at her age. Menopause... blehx... Its no wonder she couldnt get a partner.. totally no love in her heart....

  Okay... after that, it was basically okay.. the people we met after that were generally more or 
less friendly in one way or another. All of the peeps we asked actually did gave us something and
by like, 11? the collection point ( just below our blocks ) were like.. piled like mad lols....

  However, another shitty thing happened.. the dam lorry took so long to come.. we were 
practically sitting there for like an hour and a half just waiting for the stupid lorry. What a waste
of precious time. But anyway, we got it up and we loaded everything on it... stacked it full to the 
brim ( really small lorry ) lol.

  The sec ones... were really hyper.. still had that child-like hyperness in em... blehx hahas.

  Aniwae, after that, we went to J8 to eat, and then left for home... i however, took a detour to
amk central.... walked quite a bits and actually found a shop selling ayaka's album... but it was
18 dollars.. damn.. didnt bring enough... so i settled for evanescence lols. Not bad imo...

  Eugene came over after that to give me wc3 lols.... frankly, dont want to play it again >.> lols.
But ah well... i really need to concentrate on studying... wonder how daryl does it <.<

  Anyway... my dad's about to screw me for being up so late ( yeah... its only 10.11pm though )
so in order not to get into any more trouble, i better end off now.

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what we could have been, 10:00 PM.
Friday, February 2, 2007

希望の神 (きぼうのかみ)

Light of Hope-

Chapter 1-

A boy sat by a rock over viewing the wheat field that grew boundlessly and stretched across the huge piece of land. He didn’t frequent this spot till a couple of days back when he was just mesmerized by the sight and couldn’t help but sketch the amazing scene that he saw right before his eyes. It was just a single day, and this place started to become his most favourite haunt.

“Ah!” came a loud cry from within the wheat field.

“That’s strange.” The small boy thought. “I didn’t know there were other people that knew of this place. It sounded like the person who screamed is in trouble though, and it sounded like a girl’s voice.”

“Help me! Someone!” the voice sounded again.

“What should I do? I might get lost if I enter as well but if I don’t help, that girl might get lost in there forever! What if no one finds her? What if she just dies of starvation there? What if the police found out that I was here but didn’t help her? What if I go to jail for that? What if…” He said in quick recession, only to be broke by the voice again.

“Is someone there?”

“Err! Err! Yes! I am here!”

“Then hurry up and get me out of here!”

“But… but… but I will get lost in there too!”

“Oh you won’t! Now come and get me out!”

“Oh… okay! Where are you?”

“How the hell would I know? Just follow my voice!”

“Oh… okay, don’t move and keep saying something!”

It took quite some time, but stumbling along the way, the boy managed to locate the direction of the voice and pushing his way through the tall wheat, he finally found the girl, sitting on the floor, hands rubbing her leg profusely.

“Err, what happened to you?”

“I sprained my leg. Could you give me a hand?”

“Oh, okay”

Plucking all ounces of strength from those fragile arms, he lifted the girl. It was a funny sight to anyone, a girl almost a head and a half taller than the boy being supported by the frail and fragile boy that looked like he would just crack there.

“Err, how do we get out?” The boy said, straining his voice as though he had channeled all his energy to those hands of his.

“Just head downwards from here, we’ll reach a river soon. From there the maidens who come wash clothes will get us sooner or later.”

The two walked and walked, but never came to any river the girl had talked about. “That is strange; I remember there was one right around here!

“Uh… are you… you sure?”

“Of course! Do you doubt me?”

“No… it is not that… it is just… can we take a break?”

“Are you trying to say I am fat?”

“No… no… I really… I am really tired.”

“But you are a boy! How can you be tired before I am?”


“No buts!”


Before he could continue, he found his voice not being able to be projected out anymore, and he fainted all of a sudden.

“Hey! Are you okay?” The girl frantically said, shaking the boy’s body vigorously.

There was, however, no response from the boy whatsoever. She continued to call out to him but time and time again, there was just no response. The girl really freaked out now, like a 3 year old watching a horror movie. She stood up and paced around in a 4 step line, hands covering the sides of her head and mumbling, “what should I do, what should I do” in a chant-like monotonous tone.

“I know!” She said, breaking the didactic atmosphere she had created earlier on.

“I will give him first aid! Just like I see in the movies! But… but I am so young and I am going to give up my first kiss to this boy! I don’t want that!” She said, looking really confused within herself.

“Ah, it is just a kiss, no big deal, I will so get in trouble if his parents find out I left him here dying and not get help.”

She closed her eyes, and slowly, she edged her head towards his and squinting her lips into a really awkward protrusion, she took aim and fired, only to hold back just before their lips made contact.

“I just can’t do it after all! This determines my life-time happiness!”

“Wa… water…water…” the boy said all of a sudden though really soft and almost on the verge of disappearing again.

“You are alive! You want water? Okay! Here, take my bottle, take all of it!” She exclaimed, anxiously ransacking her backpack and taking out a very childish pink water bottle from it.

“I… I can’t…” before the boy could finish his sentence, he was interrupted abruptly but the girl, “Oh of course you can, an indirect kiss is okay, it’s perfectly okay! Drink up Drink up!”


“I said it is okay already!”

“I can’t reach it; you are holding it too high up.”

“Oh! Right. Here, I will even feed you.”

The girl knelt down beside him and tilted the bottle towards the guy’s mouth, slowly pouring the water into his mouth.

“Is that enough?”

“Yes, thank you”
“Oh! No problem!”

“Just… just now, did I do anything strange?”

“When you fainted? Oh no. No such thing.”

“Oh okay, that’s good.”

“But now you are indebted to me! You took my first kiss you know!” The boy immediately recoiled backwards in shock, hands desperately grasping the land.”

“You…you… YOU KISSED ME?”

“Well… Yeah! Of course I did! How else did you think you woke up? And why are you so shocked? I should be the one who is shocked, you took advantage of me!”

“But… but I didn’t do anything!”

“Exactly! You should do something about this! What if I get pregnant?”

“People get pregnant from kissing?”

“Well… I don’t know but… but my mum and dad always told me I was made in a magical point after they kissed!”

“I don’t think that is how babies are formed.”

“Well then how are they formed?”

“They… they… I don’t know!”

“Then what I say is right! Oh no! I am going to get pregnant! You! Take responsibility here, you are the guy!”

“I… I… I will! But, what are we supposed to do? We are stuck here and you are pregnant!”

“If only I had brought my cell phone along, then we wouldn’t have to go through all this and I wouldn’t get pregnant.”

“Oh… why didn’t I think of it? I have a cell phone with me now.”

“You… You idiot! Hurry up and take it out!”

“O…okay… here…” before he could finish his sentence, the girl immediately snatched the cell phone from the boy’s hand and put it beside her ear, pushing her silky black hair back with the wind.

“Why isn’t it ringing or anything? Are you sure your phone is working?”

“Err… err… you haven’t dialed in the number.”

“I know that! Don’t belittle me! I was… I was just making sure it was working first.”


“No one is picking up.”

“My mum is not at home either, they went to the carnival.”

“Oh! That reminds me! The carnival is today! What rotten luck I have, I was on my way to the carnival and then I got lost in the field and I ran into you… No wonder no one picked up, everyone in the village goes to the carnival and this year, only I am not going!”

“Wait! Keep quiet!”


“Keep quiet!”

“Don’t you command me!”

“Can you hear it?”

“Hear what?”

“The sound of beating drums.”

“Oh… Yeah, I think they are probably holding the starting ceremony now, without me.”

“Hurry up! Let’s go!”

“Huh? Go where?”

“If we follow the sound of the drums, we would be able to reach the carnival! Come on! We have to hurry there before they stop or we will be lost without a single clue of direction again!”

“Hey… you are pretty smart aren’t you?”
“Hurry up!”

Pushing their way through the tall wheat, the couple; hands held together by each other’s like an unbreakable chain, bonded for eternity. Their slippers clapped against the earth, ringing sounds of arrival as they ran in unison towards the horizon sun, where the beating of hearts came from.

- Chapter 1 End -

  Well, yeah, i've improved on it, i hope, and here it is, improved version 2 of my story, basically
i skip all the boring "meet and greet" sessions of the characters and jump into the part where
they actually do meet, in a different way as well. I tried to somehow deepen the characters here? Trying to give them personalities and yet at the same time, stray from my usual tendency to have too simple characters when i try to do so. Here, i told myself lots of times to complex the characters a little. But because they are still in their really youthful stage, i also tried to keep the "impressionable" stage to them, and not so much a fully developed character so that as the story progresses with the characters, the character development will be more detailed =)

  So well, this is basically it, do leave comments in the tag board or more preferably, in the comments function. =) And i dont really care if you say it sucks or anything :P lol... cus it prolly does =). But i would like constructive comments ne ways hahas.

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what we could have been, 10:24 PM.

  Just to start off, sorry for the wrong titling on the last post XD.... :P i've switched back anyways so,
no problem on that ^^.

  Well, as you might have noticed, one of the very few times im actually posting before night time 
XD... today was average? again i guess.... friday's are always fun, especially with free periods hahas... anyway, the only prolly interesting lesson would again be english XD... funny stuff happen in english, always.

  E.Heng, showed the show to us again so yeah... the plot develops much deeper and the interesting 
character of Charlie ( or Nuwanda ) becomes further more enhanced, and it shows alot, again on
the theme of carpe diem and how it is different for everybody. Got me thinking, what will be MY
carpe diem? And again it got me thinking, is the route i am currently walking to really the right 1 
for me? I really dunno now hahas... life is really messed up i guess... as we grow older, we really do
have different thoughts, maturity? i guess.

  For me right now, i think i really need God in my life, to guide me... but then again, it is hard to 
tell if God will help me... one as sinful as me.

  And as i want to study, it just, i am not fit for studying? i dunno... my life has been really 
structured by my parents since i was young... everything was just "let papa decide bah" you know.
decisions... they sure are hard to make... i dont even know how to break the news to my dad.
"Dad, i am going to be a writer!"... carpe diem i guess, hope i catch onto the spirit.

  I want to end off with another "poem" of mine

  Just as the dark summer's night dream come to pass, 
  mine are the eyes of a blind man
  and to thus twas lead'st my way
  why do i not seek thee?

  Come to hold my own decisions i have
  and truth be told, it is but simple task
  truth be told, how man succumbs to such request
  but truth be told, how man has to overcome them. 

what we could have been, 4:25 PM.
Thursday, February 1, 2007

  Hahas today was pretty great i guess... slack XD

  Basically the whole morning was churned out for this "conquering the final lap" workshop ( which 
interupted RME ) lol... it was pretty lame... waste of 20 dollars O.O hahas....

  Basically, it was about the usual "christian" kinda activities that... no offence but i don't really like
I mean... writing your goal and all and then tearing it up etc.... Okay.. mebe it'll work for some 
people... but for me, my goal is pretty clear now... psychological barriers... i think you cant remove
them... rather, you have to stand up to them... they push you forwards...

  Its basically all the things that i'd acquired ( without any1 telling me ) over these past few years
so like... yeah... was kinda a waste of money.... ><

  Ahh... and after that, it was recess :D ( of course, after a really crazed up mu jin lesson ) lol... and then bio spa...

  Bio spa was pretty easy :D... food test XD... do like 1000 time liao, do untill sian hahas

  Weird huh... that im writing in short sentences in quick recession hahas... but i dunno... >< kinda feeling weird now O.O... anyways, E.Heng played the "Dead Poet's Society" movie again today :D.... gave me a lil bit new insight on it again, as he played the scenes.

  Well, i kinda like the ideology behind the story, the novelist was truly ingenius, gota learn from him keke

  Basically, it was talking about the marvels of language... language truly is a powerful tool in my opinion... language may just seem as words, but yet these words are what changed the world to be what it is today... Words may seem small but never belittle them. I will give my full opinion on the movie when i've finished it hahas... but... i've discovered something, everyone has a poet in him/her :D...

  And then, talking to nicky again, he showed me this picture of the northern lights ( its light u see when ur like, on a plane, basically its light a few million light years away from the sun and its mostly luminous green? I've seen one before on my UK trip when every1 else was sleeping and its really fascinating ) And like, we were just having this discussion... its really sad that noone really pays attention to nature anymore... oh sure they might go like, lets go visit the reservior or like, lets go see some trees and take some pictures and so on but they don't really appreciate its beauty... i've been someone like that before so i know... really, its saddening how the social aspect of the world has become so pragmatic.

  To end off, i'll like to say a lil poem? lol of mine

  To this i pray on my knees as i look upon the dark empty sky,
  To this i toast to mankind's job
  To this i weep as my eyes don't hold back
  To this i cry a most heart-breaking cry
  To this i affirm my gentle cause
  To this i plead my neighbour's plight.


what we could have been, 7:19 PM.


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