
Wednesday, January 31, 2007

  Yea... i ran out of ideas for titles hahas... 

  Aniwae... today was kinda... i dunno, the same? like always hahas but really, no day is the same.

  Had some peculiar thoughts today on my career in the future... u know... whilst chatting with
nicky over MSN... okay to break the truth to everyone right here, right now, i have been planning
to become a writer in the future... yea... its kinda bizarre... with the english grades i get now O.O

  But you know... i just feel nice while writing and so, i kinda want to have it as my career hahas.

  But while talking to nick ( who really wants to take aero engineering and become a pilot ), i 
really discovered that i didn't have that much of a resolve on my career in the future... i mean...
i want to be so many things... but i cant possibly be you know... its like i want a bit of everything

  I am really at a loss now hahas... hope God gives me an answer >< asap

  Another thing is... I DUNNO WHAT JC TO GO TO NOW!... all of a sudden when i did my 
research on NJC, i found out that its kinda sucky? I thought NJC would have pretty girls and all
but now i realised it doesnt ><... after seeing its webpage lol. It does have a photography club
though XD. Then when i researched on VJC, i found that its really great.... oh great... now i wanna go to vjc lol. I think it has a photography club too, and it has a Japanese club :O But dang... 6 points man... even though its possible but... i dunno, i might not make it >< you know.
My cca will most likely NOT have the -2 lol.... >.> its even hard to determine if i can get -1.

  Ah... i am really at a loss now O.O... but i guess, what i have to do right now right here is to buck up, I am so gonna stop gaming on the most... and really reduce my anime watching to the weekly releases only... hahas. I dunno... haiz.... life is weird in ways more than 1 :P


what we could have been, 8:24 PM.
Tuesday, January 30, 2007

  Yea, i am running out of titles hahas....

  Okay... today was rather mundane if i may say... lol dunno i guess... tuesdays have got 1 of the worst time-tables >< had a headache again after chem ( prolly because of all the funky sulphur gas shit )

  English was interesting though =3

  E.Heng played a movie during eng lols... forgot the title but its something like dead poet something hahas... anyway, don't have much time anyway hahas... but its basically about the education system in USA in the past... really intriguing show hahas... stirred up quite alot of feelings on my part.

  For me, basically at the start, their education system was really... not that much of a shocker but really... something that i didn't expect, to that kind of extent. Like... it was really a mindless kind of education... just study, sleep, study, sleep... with the only goal as scoring well... I didn't think it could go THAT far O.O lol... but the teacher that was featured as the english teacher was really unexpected... hahas... its kinda a touching movie but since we havnt watched it finish, i shan't comment too much about it XD.

  Tuition was so-so today i guess... same old chi stuff that i do every chi tuition... anyway, i got rid of my A-Maths tuition! WHOOTS.... but it got replaced with monday English tuition... now i just needa out-eng the english teacher in the tuition so i can ONLY have 1 tuition... lol.

  Well thats all folks hahas... ima get back to chatting to daryl >.>

what we could have been, 9:50 PM.
Monday, January 29, 2007

  Yeah man... today was kinda bad T.T lol... kinda a lead up from yesterday ><... well since i didn't 
post yesterday, i'll put what happened ytd in this post too hahas.

  Basically, what ruined the day was my dad's scolding... which was like... whole day play comp neh 
study... but i was like... wtf... i almost whole day spent on trying to write the 5 min speech lor...
keep re-writing and re-writing... sian.. then i play abits ( like 2 hrs only ) then he say i whole day
play comp...... i swear, sometimes parents really piss me off... I mean... they aren't checking in on
what their children do and they blame the media for making their children this way, that way... I 
really hate that ><.... and that really ruined the whole day for me.

  Well, today was still... bad i guess.... i was still more or less pissed and so didn't talk much to dad 
in the morning. Not really something i can do, i mean, if i am pissed i don't immediately turn like...
happy or anything again... 

  So then, because of all that i had a really bad headache in the morning but it repressed when 
i reached school... which then i ran my usual routine, eating breakfast but after morning assembly,
steven quay was like... really pissed off as well and started scolding us for not writing in our
handbook ( i wasn't scolded but im really pissed at his attitude anyway )... I mean... the system
is really more or less ridiculous imo... what is the point of making students write the meanings
of the devotions... it'll just make us not want to take anything from the devotion... honestly, there
were devotions that really touched me in the past but now, when im actually forced to listen,
it really isint there anymore. This is so much like my speech topic, "you can bring a horse to water
but you can't make it drink." bleh... shan't talk about it anymore.

  Anyways, the classes were still okay? i guess... but my chinese test didn't get what i expected to
have... because i friggen wrote the dam word wrong... and the shytty part is that i KNOW how to
write it lol... and because of that, i could've have gotten highest in class.. instead im stuck with
a 36/50 lol. And seriously, it was a really easy test.

  English was okay... debate stuff and all lol.. so nothing can really go wrong there hahas.

  However, when it came to SS, my headache was really bad.... and what really got me into a
bad temper ( sry eugene and elphin lols ) was the noise i guess.... and cbq.

  So then, i lost my temper and my head friggen hurt. lol.... good thing was that in the 2 maths 
period i had, i gotten enough sleep to reguvenate =3. So it isint as bad now anyway hahas...
history was... i guess out of the ordinary... the peeps in front of me were really restless and so
krishnan blew his top.

  Well... at the end of the day, it got better i guess... just finished a game of dota ( :O ) lol... but i 
still cant find any printing shop to get some pictures printed ><


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what we could have been, 5:58 PM.
Saturday, January 27, 2007

  Hahas... today was indeed corny. Woke up at 9pm :O ( 1 of my latest already ^^' )

  As usual, i had breakfast etc. hahas... today was really slack =/.... didnt do ANY homework O.O lols.... but there isint much anyway, only left e.heng's 5min oratoral speech and the journal entry ( which i also, dont plan to do XD )... so i only have the oratoral speech to complete XD... ( which is hard =/... like ... "you can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink"... i have lots to say but i dont have a specific line of thought... like... its all jumbled up =/ lol... ah w/e

  Aniwae, i just came back from the night safari :O XD...

  It was... boring =/ and yet insightful ( in a sense )... well i didnt really look forward to it anyway XD... since it was with my family <.<   HOWEVER, there were quite alot of chio bus there =3 ( it so happened that the japanese tourist group came by =3, along with many others XD... and there were quite alot of chio bus among em =3 )   Ah anyway, mum was too lazy to walk so we took the tram ( good choice there too XD... it gets really dark >.> )... we hopped off at the leopard trail to walk abeit in which mum was really against <.<>.>... no feelings etc. just walked.

  Saw em bats, leopards ( duh ), some funky looking mongoose look-a-like kinda thing... you know lol.

  After which, we went back to the station to wait for the next few trams so we could hop on when the other peeps hop off =3. Ours was the 3rd? i think tram. In which got another chio bu commentator =3 hahas... ( the first tram had a corny guy so... blehx )

  Hmm... throughout the tram trip basically we saw the lion, some elephants ( near the end ), antelopes and deers ( loads of em ) and my personal favourite, the small lil jackels, funky cat-like thingies that i forgot what they were called and also some really cool ant eaters =3 lol.

  Well... i wasn't really all that excited.. i mean, yea they look natural because of the whole landscaping deal thing but really, when you're at this kind of enclosure, the feeling is 1 more of pity? than of amusement for me at least. Not too much a fancy of such stuff, and its really contradictory ( or can be exampled ) when the chio bu commentator said that we should conserve our environment and the trees planted here help do so because the sky above is totally clouded with no stars. lol... far from what i saw in the sec 3 camp, a sky loaded with stars. I mean, you can't really "understand" why you need to conserve the environment or whats wrong with the environment just by going to a man-made enclosure... you really need to be out there, in uncivillised places. That, is being 1 with mother-nature.

  Well, i am really beat hahas... and i actually didnt even wanted to post this =/ but you know... didn't want a blog that dies out like... just a week? lol... i'll try my best to post daily, i mean, in the lord's life, no single day is a dull day :D keke.

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what we could have been, 9:45 PM.

  Well, as stated before, i'll be writing up my essay ( which i thought had a nice plot ) here :D lol... 
though at this time of the post, it may be a lil different from the original as i don't have the original
and i cant possibly regurgitate an entire essay ( thats about 3 pages of the journal book, and 800?
words ) from memory. So, here goes ^^, and i'll prolly edit it so its nicer =3, since i was working
against the time at that moment and didnt include a few themes intended.

  "No way!" i exclaimed, rising from my cold seat and frantically clasping my hands together as I stared in disbelief. To be honest, I really did not think it through when i did that and when i finally came to my senses, i realised the entire stadium had stood up as well and all of them cheered in exuberance.

  I am sure most people would have the general idea of what magic means, something that is 
unusual and really out of this world, a trick, an illusion. Magic has also been a large part of my life
actually. In fact, i live and breathe magic. No, I am definitely not magic master David Copperfield
or street extrodinare David Blaine. I am a 'touched' one.

  As a single parent of two girls, it would have been a lie to say life was easy for me. The two were twins and sadly, they have never seen their mother. You might think, all i have to cope with is a mental barrier that is about the troublesome-ness of not having your partner helping you with the housework. However, that is but a simple prelude to the stress a single parent has. I am pretty sure any single parent would have to agree that the real stress comes from thinking about their child's future. Your own personal future is okay to be thrown away, it is always like so, but your child... that is another case.

  You could say i was still managing though, trying very hard to work and retain my job at a telecommunication company while making sure i keep a fatherly, and motherly, eye on the two princesses. Thank god though, that he has given me two really sensible daughters that really share in my woe and try their best to steer out of any unneccessary trouble. It was them really, that kept me living in this world when Diana died. It was them that recharged my soul whenever i came back from work frustrated. Just seeing them ask a simple thing like "Daddy, are you okay?" or "Go and sleep Daddy, leave the housework to us!" as they clumsily try to prepare the house. It was so touching that i really could not thank God enough. It is not something words, or the amount of tears can measure really, it is really something that is so priceless that you fear everyday that you might lose that imaculate child-like innosence that eludes from them but yet, whenever you look at them, all your fears just float away like a really bad nightmare.

  Life though, is not that kind as to let you live a horizontal path, even if you face alot of obstacles. But actually, in another sense, it is kind, like that of a silent whisper.

  It was roughly around 10pm into the night, I was working overtime alone in the office when suddenly, an astoundingly immense sound could be heard from the bottom floors where the main electrical wires ran through. I wanted to take a look but there was no time to respond. In just a speck of a second, the only door that divided my office to the calamity blasted open with a great force, turmounting in a firey eruption of flames within my office itself. I got burnt.

  "Are you two the only relatives of this person?"

  "Yes sir"

  "Your dad... he... is alive."

  "So he can come out now?"

  "Not so soon. I have to tell you something girls, your dad he, got burnt by a huge fire. His entire
body has been burnt. Right now, he is still asleep but when he wakes up, he will be in deep pain
and won't look like he was before. So, uncle will stay by his side. You two should probably not
go see him as you might break his heart if you are shocked at his new look. Give it some time."

  "It is okay... at least Daddy is alive. By the way, did you see that lady that brought us here? We really want to thank her."

  "What lady? Didn't you two come alone? Oh well, maybe i was too busy to notice her. You two are really fillial huh? Too bad your Dad isin't fortunate enough."

  I woke up about 2 days later, only to find myself mummified in a barrage of bandages that wrapped my entire body. I was frantic, i wanted to get out of it and i struggled with all my might, finally being able to rip a small thin portion of the bandage that wrapped around my arm. It all came back to me.

  It took some time, but i got over the personal and mental trauma of having a disfigured body. I 
am really thankful to the kind and patient nurses that looked after me, they really went through alot taking care of me and putting up with my tantrums. However, the worst part has yet to come. I still had to break the news to my two daughters. The heart-break and shock they will receive as well as the inability to perceive the reality as well as accept it... I wish i will just die now, then it will all be much easier. How can i allow them to have a 'night-walker' for a dad? But nevertheless, they had to knew. With a ton weighing down upon my heart, i decided to tell them the next day.

  That night, however, i had the strangest dream ever. There was a Stranger, all dressed in an immaculate white in a void of endless darkness and there i was, standing, facing the Stranger. And then, a mature yet incredibly full of life voice came from under the white shroud that donned the Stranger. It had a tone of utmost familarity and yet, sounded like it had brisked and graduated from the past.

  "I am so sorry that I can't be with you through thoes times of troubles you had so far, through all that times you longed for someone to be right next to you and yet when you turned around, there was no one but you. In that desert of emptiness, I am very sorry i couldn't be with you. I just want to let you know that, even though it is really hard to see it, there is always one person whom I asked to be right with you. No, it is not the two girls but someone, much closer to mine and your heart as well. I trust you to him. And also, I just want to let you know that, from that day we met by the fountain and my eyes caught unto yours, from that day you poured out your feelings and I poured out mine to you by the fountain, that time where you held the bouquet of roses behind you and stood by the fountain in that suave tux, to the time I left you, sitting alone by the fountain with my cold body resting on your shoulders... I have always loved you and even now, my heart still yearns for you and love you and it is not just me, but that same person who has been with us since the very beginning, he has also always loved you so, be proud and I have one last favour to ask of you. I love you."

  "Diana!" I screamed with as much energy I had within me, bringing my body forwards, only to be restricted by two very warm hands that grasped mine on both sides.

  "They knew..." I mumbled, my arm moving towards my face, wiping off thoes tears before they even can form properly. "Damn, he won't even let me cry now." The two girls slowly awakened and rubbed their eyes to get a clearer view. It was a scene that words could never describe, something like that can never be expressed, it is really something that goes deep within the very soul of human-kind. I pushed them close to my chest and wrapped as much as I could around them, grasping them as tightly as I could.

  "Dad, you are hugging us a little too tightly." Shiela said.

  "Sorry, but let me continue, at least untill I fall asleep." I muffled, the words hardly being audible from all the wimping.

  "It is okay, we like it." Shyla said.

  "Thank you."

  Two weeks later, when it was finally the day to take off the bandages and check if it was okay for me to go onto physiotherapy, the doctors came into the room early in the morning, only to be greeted by two excited girls and me, sitting upright with eyes of plea. I breathed in a deep breath and boldly, requested a favour I just had to fulfill.

  With the wheels touching the brick encompassment, I gazed upon that shallow blue water that glistened under the bright morning sun. I closed my eyes and slowly, undid the pin that held the bandages together. Unwrapping myself, I gently opened my eyes, only to see waves forming as droplets fell onto the surface, breaking the peaceful lining.

  Life can be that magical, it wasn't anything astounding like David Copperfield's teleportation illusions nor was it a great shocker like Blaine's card tricks but it was something much closer to my heart, it was a life transforming miracle, a magic seed that sprouted within my life. That day, everything fell back into place, I did not have a single scar on my body, my limbs functioned as per normal, the two girls were as like they were before and most magically, an immaculately white figure shrouded in ivory white clothings knocked on the door when i came home.


somerights reserved ©
story may not be reproduced unless with permission from writer - Jason Chua
article should only be found on http://velvet-revelations.blogspot.com unless otherwise approved.

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what we could have been, 5:41 AM.
Friday, January 26, 2007

  wooooo... just came home like... quite some time ago O.O lol... today, like the name suggests, was 
really frantic ><... finally can sit down, blog and take a HUUUGE breath hahas.

  Basically, the morning was pretty mundane ( as it would have been ) except for PE, where goh yong hang basically cracked up alot of jokes ( as usual ) to let us have a light-hearted feel to rock-climbing... pretty happy didn't have to climb due to rain and also because the first lesson would be used on theory =3 wakakakaka

  Lim mei Hua returned the tests and i got 25 ( damn, could have gotten 30 if not for my careless mistakes ) upon 30 and eugene ( hope your reading this ) got 7!!!! WAKAKAKAKA lol... cus he didnt hand in his first page XD... i laughed so terribly hard ( and also found his first page FOR him in his stack of worksheets ) that my stomach pained really badly... XD, this was before PE btw lol

  Afternoon was basically just the 2 free periods, which i spent mostly playing my new game, Summon Night, Summon stories 2 ( i think thats whats its called ) for the gba ( which i played
on vba keke ).... couldnt really stay awake in english period though XD.... right after english though, i DID go down for training ( zomg! surprised? ) and ran for like 15 minutes before i retired to the scouts den ( XD... wrong place for a ncc cadet to go to? lol )... there we were looking at pics on toon's comp lol before mr ng called me and told me to go to the music room to practice the mass songs O.O ( like.... i didnt even know i was the singer zomg ) lol.... was shocked at that time... really XD.... but i still took my leave anyway...

  So then, i was in the music room with marcus teo, reginal and ian as well as mr ng and we'll just rehearsing i guess... ( picking up songs in a confined cold room is terribly hard... trust me ) lol... but we got over it and it was onto the real rehearsal in the hall, which, i guess didnt go quite well because leong was singing so weirdly and i was made to stand so far away from the band that i couldnt really hear the cues.

  Singing sure is a really technical thing huh? XD... i'll stray from it then keke.

  Well, the mass was not too bad i guess... but joshua goh really sang REALLY loudly, and in that really low voice he is famous for which made me somewhat, go totally off trying to get the high pitch but not being able to since he was in low. lol... but overall, it was fun i guess... then it was on to the free dinner :P... after that, i wont talk too much about it hahas... prolly better to remain as a memory than a diary entry =3

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what we could have been, 9:49 PM.
Thursday, January 25, 2007

  lol... yes... another title for de name ( though tk, it really didnt have to have the same starting 
letter just something to describe the day XD ... just its nicer to have the same starting letter =3

  Aniwaes.... i really thought i'd have a really bad day ahead today... hence tippy keke... started out
really normal... went downstairs, onned the tv, waited for dad lol before hopping onto the car and driving off to school...

  Thing was.... i had this REALLY big stomach ache halfway through the ride... u know what they say... when you gota go... u really gota go... but i couldnt go ><.... so i tried to force it in and squeezed the air in my stomach XD ( bad idea, never do it ) It made matters worst though, because it felt like a whole dam was destroyed when i let go abit or when i coughed >< ( which i did quite frequently ).... aniwae... i practically "died" in that 15 minute ride to school... ( terrible experience ) and i was like thinking ( today is soooo going bad ).   At last though, as if with a miracle, dad reached and i popped out of the car, tried to look fine to alex and rushed to the toilet at the bottom floor... really couldnt hold it in anymore lol.   Of course, i had a packet of tissue paper   But things were just going to get worse, basically, today seemed like every1 had stomach problems... the toilets in the front row were practically all locked... i had to zoom behind and thankfully, there was an empty lot. So, pearl habour was basically destroyed =) and the airplane that dropped the bombs survived! ( ta da! ) lol... *poor anatomy there*   Well, after that, RME was cancelled ( dang ) and when i came to class, i was told that there was a maths test afterschool today ( wth ) and that totally just ruined the mood ( or so i thought )... so basically i whopped out the tys ( since the questions were going to come from there ) and frantically did as many questions as i could ( though not many ) before we had to go down to the auditorium for carpe diem.   Okay, krishnan played a movie called The Emperor's Club for carpe diem and... i sorta enjoyed it lol... i mean, it seemed like a really potentially good plot movie and all ( though it was stopped eariler before we could get far in due to time constraints ) i would comment on the movie but im really too tired and lazy anyway hahas...   The maths test though ( lukily ) was in the maths lesson and overall, i found it quite easy ( though wee siong did help me with the log question ^^' )   Basically, everthing went as usual after that, so it was not so much a bad day afterall.... though i was made to do some oratoral thing ( didnt see that coming >< ) and now i have more work than i had before ( yay? )

  However, what was nice was during legion... Mr Fernandez shared with us his pilgrimage trip to lourdes which was really amusing and interesting, spooky and all but yea ^^. Anyway, the plot i used for the english essay, i felt was kinda nice ( since it was kinda thought on the spot out of nowhere ) and so, i'll write it out here ( prolly later ) lol

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what we could have been, 5:17 PM.
Wednesday, January 24, 2007

  Hahas... at this rate im going to run out of titles <.< bleh hahas

  Today was really hectic O.O hahas... sorta... though it was hectic in a short-pace ( im sounding weird now.... ) keke.... basically the same ol lessons as usual.... assembly was 
really boring though T.T.... couldnt stand it... the china trip thing... bored me to tears.

  After that went to cut the bookmarks for the sec 1s ( after talking to daryl about em... dunno if
its even worth it anymore )... i basically manned the big ass lean mean cutting machine ( BALMCM )
Just... slicing the edges.... was kinda mundane.... then i went to buy lunch for daryl and dikless as
well as mwyself =3.   The stall 12 auntie that sold me my fan choy ( i know her actually, her husband is my dad's acquaintance and well... i know em personally from the church i go to - SPP )

  Anyway, she thought i had graduated already ^^' lol.... cus i havnt been there to buy fishball
for veri long hahas.... mebe she thought i died T.T ( i love their fishball btw, if u havnt caught on ) well... that was just 1 funny querp that happened today lols... went back to cut the bookmarks when i slammed the stupid thing against my index finger. Dam... that hurt like shit. It still does right now...

  It is like... this crazy numb sensation right as it slammed so actually u feel the pain but
nothing happens... and u just feel the pain... then it goes all hard ( partially from playing guitar ) but as in... really hard / no feeling at all and when i pressed, it only felt like the middle portion goes down ( now its getting better ) and the crazy thing is that, sometimes it just unnumbs for like... a split second so i feel the crazy pain and it goes numb again... over and over and over again.... >< people would have thought i was crazy XD....

  Basically.. that happened before usman came back down from his maths remedial thing... then we went to get the cut-finished bookmarks laminated lol.... setting it up was all easy and good but using the stupid machine was a kick up ur @ss. Originally, the usage was to put the thing through the machine 3 times ( so that all the grey 'glue' melts and sticks ) and becomes transparent.... but that was awfully slow since we only used 1 at a time, and for 3 goes... which is like.... 5? minutes for ONE.

  Then i got fed up and tried 2 times, this time totally inversing it and it gave the same quality, so now its 1 piece, 2 times, roughly... 3-4 minutes for one piece..... it was still slow but it was slowly improving lol....

  Then i took the liberty and put in 2 pieces ( of course, we tried it with something else first ).... prayed that the machine wouldnt get jammed ( seeing how its like 100 dollars and the ONLY machine we had ) and it actually worked :D... so now its 2 pieces, 2 times, also 3minutes odd... so thats 1 piece 1++ minute. Which REALLY sped things up the quality improved actually now... no air bubbles like in the first few.

  Then it continued for really long, finished about 1 and a half class when marcus came in and tried his funky stuff... then the quality dropped and all but speed increased really madly fast.

  All in all, im back from there now.... writing here XD... but there was something i thought up in the bus... and that is.... people like me, arent really sensitive to love because i basically love everyone ( that isint an asshole or a bastard or really just annoying >.> demanding aren't i ) XD... other than that... i really love every1 O.o and just about everything ( that doesnt piss me off ). lol... mebe all humans are like that... we all have that seed of love within us... though small? or huge ( like mine :D i like to think so anyways )... i love saying hi to strangers ( or would love to ) but in singapore... thats really hard.... i realised that when i sat at macdonalds and just looked around.... there was not really a single person that seemed approachable to just... exclaim "hi! how are you?" like i do to the aunties in school keke.

  I'll prolly miss cat high ( weird huh )... of course, not the irritating stuff that happens ( usually because of someone at the top ) but really the small things that dont seem to exist at all in other schools or in society... the funny querps... teachers... aunties... tables =3... u know.... but its really the people thats in it... =) the building dont really fancy me that much.... a really run down building like SPP works fine with me.... just like that rich unexplainable feeling that exudes... its like... you don't feel in place when your at something similar.... guess its just the green pants in my veins....

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what we could have been, 8:47 PM.
Tuesday, January 23, 2007

  Wo.... quite the faithful blogger i am... XD...

  Well, today wasnt THAT bad... i guess... still very tired and all but ah well... sec 4? lols...

  Nothing really notable of today... cept the few querps here and there hahax XD... mebe i shall talk
about em <.< ;)

  Well... the Pimpo thing was really going on with GT O.O ( thought so ) hahas... first part of the day
was... boring >.> lmh >< ss and double chemx hahas... nth much really happened in the morning T.T

  Watched a funky movie ( though it was spoiled when it suddenly abruptly ended ) in history,
had chinese lesson ( where every1 copy my compo! wootx lols ), english lesson was funky hahas
did oral practice ( lukily, since i didnt do my hw ^^' ) and e.heng's ae and all was really...
weird? hahas.... gt made a few jokes here and there aniwae....

  Stayed back after school to wait for daryl and gt to finish maths remedial ( dang... shouldnt have )
waited till like 4.30 while pretending to do homework ( though we didnt get much done ) basically
just lazed around ( for hell long ) hahas... before gathering up with jonny and su de yao to go
J8 makan... jonny and aaron didnt eat but did... follow us XD.... after that.. well i am back here
and ready ( heh ) to go tuition T.T boring day T.T hahas.... dunno what im gona do when i come
back though... prolly do my homework and slack and sleep hahas... really tired these few days
>.< sigh... 1 year to go.... T.T

  Really short post today XD... since basically nth much did happen hahas....


what we could have been, 6:22 PM.
Monday, January 22, 2007

   Whoa! Double post today... and almost back to back... yeah i am insane.

  Actually... i wanted to post this already, or rather wanted to share this... its something i learned
from an uncle of mine over a gathering... really insightful XD... btw hes a 50?+ retired man =)

  We actually asked him about what it is like to be retired and all you know... and he gave a rather
amusing? answer XD... but at the same time quite insightful.

  Well, he said that for people actually... we should sort of, settle all our main stuff first... or main
concerns we should have and actually start young ( LIKE NOW! )... as in.... firstly secure your
career, making sure u have a substantial job that can actually feed not just you but a family, saving up as much as you can and not splurging too much on worldy needs but rather the neccesities.

  He said that, when one wants to be successful, he has to take care of all these things first.... get the job, secure his income, get married, start a family... everything do it ASAP then save up as much money as you can, ensuring you have enough to send your children to school ( preferably university ) and not just for 1 child, but for all of them. So basically its the theory of sowing all the seeds first and then gathering the fruits of your labour at the very end. And what are the fruits? Choices.

  After that, he really just went around in circles ( which was really amazing ) but what i noticed was his expression when he said choices. It was... a bittersweet? no, that would be too much of a belittling... something more like... sophisticated look of amusement within a harsh background of torment and failure. I think, as an outsider to his life and not one that really comes into contact with him that often, i wouldn't be able to really understand his feelings but from what i can infer is that... he has gone through alot and he really enjoys it now. ( even though it could be just my speculation considering the amount of beers he had drunk that night... but really, when he said choices, he seemed so sober ) He was a smoker, a heavy one in the past ( now hes cutting down thankfully... i remember that family trip to malaysia with the whole family and his room will literally be coveted in smog. Also, he was a heavy alcohlic ( dont think hes cutting on that one =.= XD.... though he doesnt drink that indiscriminately anymore now, sort of controls it ) and i have never really seen him drunk... serious. He can go red in the face but never spout silly nonsense ( or maybe he always is =/ )

  So... back to the point... he says that when you have all thoes things and concerns settled and okayed, you can retire peacefully ( like he is right now ) and when you retire... you basically have 
something so precious called choices. ( and so he went on again about choices, maybe he
really is drunk O.O ) and when we asked him what he does now that he has choices, he says...
he does alot of things.... XD.... but we didn't pry in further hahas...

  Anyway, what i realise is that... most people ( young people, that means ME T.T ) prefer to
reap the fruits immediately as they pop out... ( which is in a sense... okay? ) and not let it grow
even more, becoming even sweeter and gathering in more amounts... but one can argue that
even when you have all that money, if you are old and have no more energy, you also cannot enjoy... but i look at my uncle and say... thats impossible XD


what we could have been, 6:19 PM.

  Yea... was a manic monday today XD... and for thoes people who actually know, i didn't put it there
because of the song Manic Monday by Bangles ( yes there is such a song ) but rather... Manic seems
to be the best word i can think up off to describe today XD...

  It all started with chem lesson ( first period ) i guess... chong suddenly came in with an angry 
attitude ( cant blame her ) because like... alot of peeps failed the test >< lol... then she ask who neh study... and being the one who actually never ever did study, i stood up lah ( so honest )... then she scold the ppl that stand up lor.... and i just thought of a stupid reason to say bah... say forgot got test... ( actually i knew of it XD ) but ah well... after that she calmed down... i just follow the  class and all's well that ends well lols

  Following chem was chinese... which i then found out my compo suddenly became like... popular... 4-5 was like... made to copy my compo O.O zomg... sian lah... so this time i write shorter than gt so his 1 kena make to print wakakakak *insert eviL laughter* Aniwaes... that went by as well  quickly.... but had eng next... and the funky debate thing...   Theory wise, i achieved 2/3 of my goals for the debate... 1 is to win darren ( which i did :D ), 2 is to lose overall 
( which we did as well <.< and by winning darren i meant me getting best speaker and him not
 getting it =3 ) but number 3 was actually to directly yet indirectly suan darren =/... 
( sorry for not having any sportsmanship >< ) Though i managed to squeeze in the "Burning Passion" bit inside <.<
  Eitherways... now i am best speaker :O wakakakaka so all you puny humans bow before me! 
( joking >.> or maybe not <.< ) Anyways... after recess was really boring... i mean... 2 period of maths ( already as an overview a huge brain killer ) but 2 periods of lim mei hua.... thats either gota kill you or your name is teow kwang. >.> Basically just lazed around that period T.T History was semi-fun hahas....
Krishnan played his mega-mix and im trying to find the 99 red balloons song :D so yea.. all good
  Back home... managed to finish my chi compo and now im actually blogging :O with gt going
crazy about the PIMPO thing <.< keke   Ah... the insanity of time is one immeasurable by feelings or emotions, it is something that is and never will be in the grasp of humanity's empowerment but can only be a dream in our vast ocean of possibilities.  

  Ah, just to add on.. a reflection on the song "Don't Wanna think about you" by simple plan... I feel that its a really nice song really... and when i hear it... i am reminded about a runaway kid you know.... and i wrote this line in jonny's blog and here i am, going to change it a lil

"For that vivid memory still lingers within my cursed mind, filling me with nightmares i do not wish to re-live, giving me the breath of a black rose, reminding me of things that should not be... I don't wanna think about you."


what we could have been, 6:06 PM.
Sunday, January 21, 2007

希望の神 (きぼうのかみ)
( this story was written in the context of a japanese background like what i'd always do and because
i am just bored, i thought of a japanese name as well XD :P )

Light of Hope

Chapter 1 -

The boy pushed aside the linen curtains and edged his face towards the glass window. He stared into what looked like a blur now as the vehicle slowly picked up speed, he remained in the same position for a couple of hours, not inching even a little and as he gazed outside. Slowly he fell into a half-conscious slumber.

As the two-man vehicle approached the outskirts of the countryside, a rock deeply engraved into the dried mud road shook the car vigorously as the wheels went over it, waking our young boy from his slumber. Even so, he seemed to remain emotionless, acting shocked at first and almost wailed but with a squinted face, forced it within himself and slowly inched back to his original position.

The car soon came to a complete stop and the young boy stepped out of it, grasping what seemed an oversized brown luggage that looked almost impossible for that small and fragile body to lift even with both hands but amazingly, the boy grabbed tightly onto the handle and with all the strength he could muster, raised the luggage less than an inch in the air and slowly moved towards the oaken door that stood at the end of the pebble pathway he stood on. He seemed bleak, just like the pebbles he stood on right now, grey and mundane.

He dragged his feet against the floor, the scratching sound of his rubber soles sliding across the aged pebbles were the only sound that filled the empty air. The men who guided him seem to have some relationship with him but awkwardly enough, not a single soul ran up to the boy who looked so terribly fragile, as if he were like the crisp leaves of autumn, at the edge of being crushed apart.

This would be his new home.

Chapter 2 will be put up as soon as im done with chapter 4 XD


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what we could have been, 12:47 PM.

:O you know what.. i realised people actually do read blogs :O XD... amazing O.O

Anyway... for em mysterious people who read my blog, hello :D こんいちわ! 視んな元気? 

    愛してる =3

so erm, thanks daryl XD ( at this point, hes sending me a song :D )

anyways, its sunday again :D but im sleepy XD... even though i slept at 9.30pm ytd night :O hahas..
which explains the title <.< :P

Not doing anything much today... plan to finish my compre at night hopefully... mebe do maths
if i can be bothered at all... practice guitar again... right now im reminiscing old songs like blink182
's All the Small Things ( really great.. u should watch the vid too... really comical hahas ) and their
Feeling This ( the vid is a lil.... erm... not meant for kids? ) lol... and yea.. nth much other than that
a regular sunday T.T i dunno.. mebe something might happn soon hahax...

Blah... btw, to all you stalkers out there, any1 got Mai Hoshimura - Sakura Biyori full song?
Its bleach's new ending btw ( ep 110 and on )


what we could have been, 11:59 AM.
Saturday, January 20, 2007

No XD.. i didn't repaint my house or my room or anything. Just well... this is muah new blog i 
guess since im pretty much... really bored :P

Well... i'll be posting my random chatter + stuff like metaphoric lines here and there when i 
think of new ones you know XD... And also prolly like.. improve my writing skills ^^

For starters, havn't been up to much lately XD (what'd u expect =/). I did however, before 
doing this blog, finished 2 chapters of my new story :D (be sure to catch it, i thought of a really 
amazing plot) Its far from finished so... yea do expect more ^^. Other than that... nothing much, 
mebe writing about some thoughts i have about articles etc.? Weird thing is, im writing as if 
people are going to see this XD. Well, i guess ima put a Dear Dairy from now on or something
hahas :P

  Okay.... back to the point. Havn't been up to much except gunbound (yes i know <.<)  and  basically homework + writing my stories as a form of entertainment and all. Just to end, wishing me ( and all de other sec 4s ) good luck on O lvls ^^ gambare! がばって!   


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what we could have been, 5:32 PM.


Saint Andrew's Junior College

Pearlyn chang
January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 May 2009 July 2009 August 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009
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